The Pleasure of Drinking a Cup of Coffee

hello, hive communities around the world. . .
when we are busy with our work, let's not forget a cup of coffee that accompanies your days.

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Enjoying coffee is something that every man must drink, so I have to drink it every free time, drinking coffee is more delicious to enjoy in the morning, during the day, afternoon or evening, let alone drinking coffee with friends is more delicious.

The most delicious coffee to drink is ground coffee that can be blended yourself, because for the measure of stability it can be adjusted according to our own tastes, this ground coffee is very delicious because it is made yourself with traditional tools. The ingredients and the method of making ground coffee are very simple, including:

  1. Robusta coffee / toraja arabica or the like is mixed with rice but adjusted to taste, then roasted over the fire using an earthen skillet and stirred until it looks black
  2. Then the coffee that has been blackened is ground until smooth.

making ground coffee is very easy.

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I enjoy coffee usually accompanied by a cigarette, because it makes a difference in taste, makes the mind calm, eliminates stress, can find new ideas, and can solve difficult work problems. cigarettes that accompany my cup of coffee are usually kretek cigarettes, because the taste is more solid and delicious.

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my friends and I enjoy coffee during work breaks, and on the way home from work. there we gather to share stories, play games, and so on. drinking a cup of coffee is usually enjoyed by 4 or more people because coffee unites our friendship, because sharing is so delicious. don't let your coffee interfere with your work.

enjoying coffee with tenam friends really adds closeness and sharing knowledge or information. because friends usually invite to meet you at hangout places such as cafes, stalls that have coffee. The coffee that is ordered is usually different because it is adjusted to the taste of each of my friends, some ask for coffee without sugar, some use sugar, some are mixed with milk, and mixed with durian.

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I think enjoying coffee really helps relieve stress, helps solve problems, adds closeness to my friends. The coffee that I like the taste of is bitter coffee, because the taste is steady and unstoppable. so when my wife makes my coffee I usually ask not to sugar.

My wife already understands my coffee time, she gives me coffee every morning after I shower and is accompanied by snacks, and when I get home from work, she also provides coffee. my wife is very good at pampering me.

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