My Monday Morning Coffee

Every day I drink coffee but, there is one day that coffee is the most important coffee of the week, and that is Monday morning

This little ritual started almost a year ago and is still part of every week.

It started as something very simple, in the guesthouse where I used to live there is a small cafeteria, and one day I decided to try it and I was hooked, I could buy coffee every day, but when I took out accounts and I saw how it affected my pocket, I decided that I should have this "luxury" only once a week.


Then I started the analysis of what would be the best day of the week for such a delicious delight, I thought Friday because it is the weekend, I thought Sunday because it is the day off, I thought Tuesday because it is my personal way of rest, and after analyzing it, Monday was the winner.

And it is that it made perfect sense to me that this was the day for a good coffee, and not the rest of the week a simple but without being despised instant coffee.

And why on Monday?
Well because, it's the best day to start the week and with it new plans, ideas and everything you can think of.
And sometimes, it takes a push to get out of bed on Monday.

For me, one motivation was that cafe, which was only one block from my house.

The Monday coffee makes me happy, motivates me, and clarifies my ideas.

It helps me to prepare for the week, and plan what I should do, and what I should not forget, also helps me to say to myself what not to do; and that is not to buy coffee every day.

The Monday coffee comforts me like that hug that your mother gave you in the morning before sending you to school, I feel that she tells me to stay calm here I am, you can do this.

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(Both photos were taken by me. Bali- Indonesia)

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