Coffee On First Dining With Family

The buzz of his phone in the living room called Josh's attention while he was helping his wife Maryann with laundry. Before he could pick up his call, it ended. Without hesitation, he took his phone with him and walked toward the laundry.

Who called, Josh?

Maryann asked Josh as he returned from the living room with his phone.

It's Papa.

Josh replied to Maryann.

You should return the call.

She advised him. But before he could place a call to his father, another call came through from his father.

Hello, Josh!

With excitement, his father greeted him from the other end of the phone.

Son, I just retired from active service. I am coming to Port Novo to spend some time with you and your family.

Maryann heard the conversation and with the look on her face, joy radiated all over her. Josh wanted to drop the call so that he could discuss with his wife whether his father should come or not. Maryann was already approved of the visit, so Josh went ahead to welcome his father.

Greg Anderson was a great man. He had worked in the railway corporation for forty years and bowed out of active service with a high ovation. He had ensured that all his children graduated from the university and that they became highly sought-after professionals in their careers.

One thing that he was known for was his love for coffee. Every month, out of his allowance from the railway office, he would buy a tin of McDonald's coffee. This she did for the whole forty years that he worked there. One could say that after he lost his wife to the cold hands of death eight years ago, his most trusted friend has been his tin of coffee.

The following day, Greg took his bag with all his needed items and joined the train to Port Novo. He was sure he would have some time to rest before starting his poultry farm business; he had planned to engage himself in old age.

After six hours, the train arrived at Port Novo. There, Josh was waiting at the station to pick up his father, Greg. It's been two years since they saw each other. Josh stared into the crowd to look for his father. As he stretched his neck in further search, Greg touched him on his shoulders. Josh, quickened by the touch, turned and hugged him tightly. The warm hug brought back memories. They reminisce about old times as Josh led him to his waiting car and they drove off.

Everyone in the house was waiting eagerly to see Greg. Maryann had prepared a sumptuous meal for the arrival of his father-in-law. Whenever Greg is around family, there is usually no dull moment. He was always spontaneous in responding to any event and very humorous.

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Greg had a warm shower before joining every other person at the dining table. He looked at the table and smiled. He hasn't tasted food cooked by a woman in a long while. This will certainly be one to enjoy, he thought.

Where is coffee?

To everyone's amazement, Greg asked.

What would Papa be doing with coffee at dinner?

Josh imagined. For him, it ought to be taken in the morning. While Josh was still contemplating on how to convince him to wait till the morning for the coffee, Greg had risen from his seat and walked to the room created for him to check his bag but his coffee thin was not there. He hurriedly forgot to add it to the items he was traveling with.

Josh, Josh!!

Greg called out to Josh from his room, having discovered that his coffee thin was not found.

We need to go to the grocery immediately.

Josh wondered why his father wanted this coffee at all costs.

Dad, it's night already. The grocery store must have closed for the day.

At this moment, the appetite to eat the food on the table had disappeared. Maryann signaled Josh to try if any of the grocery stores in town would still be opened.

He took his car key and made for the door when Greg followed him.

Dad, let me go alone.

Greg heaved a smile but insisted that he would come along.

They searched every nook and cranny of Port Novo. All the grocery stores had closed for the day. The two men were in knickers and sleeveless shirts as they drove round the town.

Luckily, they found one store that was still open. Josh parked the car and switched off the ignition. Before he could say Jack Robinson, Greg was already in the store. He went straight to the beverages stand and picked four tins of McDonald's coffee and paid.

I see your mind is calm after you get your coffee.

Greg was so elated as they drove back home. He sang along as the car tape played Dolly Parton's Coat of Many Colours.

Yet again, they settled at the dinning and Greg had no pity for the food. With his cup of coffee on the table, his gladness knew no bounds.

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