What’s more exclusive than the specialty coffee? Competition coffee? Let’s go to Brazil!

When you taste for the first time the specialty coffee you’ll most probably find it different and not to your tastes. You can easily think “that’s not coffee, it’s most likely some kind of tea!” and it’s not guaranteed you’ll like it. That’s because all we have developed some opinion what the regular coffee testes like and we expect some dark chocolate, sometimes a bit burned taste, a bit harsh aftertaste. And we can easily “fix” this with with some sugar and creamer. Well, the specialty coffee also can be burned, but most probably the people that prepare specialty coffee to you will know how to bake it in order to preserve all its natural tastes and aromas. So if you don’t like the specialty coffee the first time you consume it, gif it one more try, or two. You’ll definitely fall in love with this type of coffee. So what’s more special than the specialty coffee? Of course specialty coffee that has taken part at various competitions and got some scores and prize positions. And then this coffee has become a Competition coffee. These coffees are just the best among the specialty coffees. And today we have such a coffee in the post.


Brazil #14 COE winner 2021

COE here stands for “Cup of Excellence. This is worldwide famous format where the farmers from just everywhere present their most cared for and most carefully processed coffees! And this coffee from Brazil has taken 14th place in the 2021 year’s COE.


I cannot be more grateful to Jordan Dabov who finds these brilliant coffees and makes his best to deliver them to his customers here in Bulgaria. That’s not such an easy procedure, because there are auctions for the coffees and then comes the logistical difficulty in finding the possible shopping routes. And maybe there is many more different stuff around these special coffees, and we, as consumers, really cannot be aware of all the required steps on delivering such goods.


This coffee offers a pretty rich set of aromas and flavors some of which are supposed to be peach, strawberry red grapes and black cherries. This should be very complex tasting coffee, right? After all it’s a competition coffee and it was placed the 14th best coffee! And how is a coffee gonna be competition, if you don’t know the farmer and the originating farm? Of course the variety of this coffee is also known - it is a Yellow Bourbon coffee, grown at 1150m!


Of course I ordered a V60 filter ground size so that I could enjoy all these beautiful flavors at their best! The roast level of this one is light, of course! We don’t want any harshness in the cup.


The water temperature for brewing these light roasts has to be very high. The higher - the better, so the only option here is to pour it boiling. This high temperature helps for the better extraction and revealing all the beautiful tastes.


After approximately 2-3 minutes, the coffee is ready and look at the color! Who said that the color of the coffee is black?



And now the time to enjoy this coffee has come. I don’t usually buy competition coffee, because it’s a bit more pricey than the ordinary specialty coffee, I may bought once or twice COE coffee and every time I buy one, I see how big of a difference it makes, compared to ordinary specialty coffee. The aromas just bloom and I cannot find a single harsh note in the final cup. I’m already considering buying competition coffees more often. There are currently 3 COE winner coffees available in the Dabov specialty coffee shop. Maybe next mont I’ll try another one. Competition coffee is definitely a factor and a heavily enjoyable thing.


Now I wish you a happy and prosperous weekend.
See you!

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