I have ordered a new coffee grinder. Let’s see why! A new coffee from HAYB arrived at home.

It’s late Saturday afternoon and just now I found some time to write my traditional weekly post in the community. This is so because tiday we traveled to visit a meatballs and beer event in one of the relatively bigger craft breweries in Bulgaria.

And today another funky looking coffee from the polish HAYB roastery will be enjoyed while we travel. It is named “Ethiopia Chelelektu” and comes from the Yigracheffe region of the African country. I absolutely love the way these bags and labels look. And while the colors of the Stout Coffee looked a bit more funky, these seem lighter and more relaxing. I wonder if the roasters have in mind the flavor profile when choosing the color palette, or they choose them randomly.

The flavor promises some Orange Blossom, Lime Zest and White Tea taste profile. Do you think that the colors of the package reminds you or these?

Again, it is time for V60. And having in mind we will enjoy this coffee on the road, I strongly prefer it over the espresso brew. And now comes the problem… When I grind coffee beans fine (espresso setting) a lot of fine particles remain stuck in the grinder, and when I go coarser, the big particles knock the fines bit by bit. The result? Slowed filtration and some harshness in the cup. The solution?

I use a handfull of beans and grind them on a medium size setting. This is about 3-4 grams of coffee. After that I collect the ground coffee in a separate bag. I use this coffee to prepare espresso shots to guests at our house, when they are not very demanding about the quality of their coffee.

This action definitey works, but it sometimes breaks my nerves and I needed another decision about my grinding at home.

I am happy that these are the last days when I need to do this when grinding my coffee. I am currently waiting my manual hand grinder, which will hopefully arrive the following few days. I have another manual grinder, my Hario Skerton, but it just does not work well and cannot grind even coffee.

Now, V60 is ready and we are ready to depart. The thermos that we use is quite stunning. It’s already 18:00 o’clock and the coffee is still warm, although it was brewed about 9:30 in the morning. My wife brought it from Japan the last time she was there and it easily wins the competiton for the best item from Japna currently at home.

And… one final thing to share… when we stopped at the gas station on our way towards the Brewery I saw an interesting Ad. It was promoting the great single origin craft coffee from Honduras. I was really curious what this could offer me. I was expecting relatively bad coffee, bit wasn’t sure if this was gonna be due to bad beans or bad preparation technique.

My honest opinion is that the beans were relatively good, but the technique of preparation was disasterous. The beans were ground way too fine causing a massive over extraction and a very bitter coffee. Way too bitter to be enjoyed by myself. And although the cups looked fancy (similar design to the coffee bag one) I will never ever try it again. Better stick to my V60 coffee in the thermos. Maybe only curiosity will make me try another coffee from a gas station. 😁

Well, that’s for today. Thanks to my wife (she drives now) I was able to finish my Saturday post. See you soon and hopefully next week I will show you my new grinder.


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