Son, don't go!


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Mr. and Mrs. Castillo lived on the Castillo farm and had a 6 year old son named Kevin, whom they loved deeply. The Castillo's were dedicated to planting, harvesting and processing coffee. Everything was going well until one day Kevin contracted a virus that killed him in a short time. For his parents this pain was unbearable and they tried to communicate with him through spiritualistic sessions. The mother cried inconsolably for many nights, Mr. Castillo was devastated by the death of his son, and although his wife was physically his hope for life was gone.

Seeing the unbearable pain that flooded Kevin's parents, an old woman, who lived near the farm, approached Mrs. Castillo and advised her to water her son's ashes that she kept in her bedroom in the backyard of her house and plant a plant on them, so that Kevin's soul would still be with them.

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Kevin's parents followed the old woman's advice and planted a coffee seed, Mrs. Castillo took good care of it, talked to it and let off steam, little by little it began to improve. Months passed and that coffee plant grew splendidly, bearing large and abundant fruits. Mrs. Castillo decided to process her coffee fruits and create a coffee shop in her hacienda where she sold cups of coffee with a delicious flavor and aroma.


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Everything seemed to be going in the desired direction. The mother said that her son had not died and that he was now present in other people.


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This coffee began to become popular in the community due to the mystical stories that were rumored, it was said that this coffee had produced hallucinatory effects in some people. One day a farmer recently arrived in the area tasted this coffee, he had an only son of Kevin's age.


Source provided by TRAPHITHO

That day he had a choking sensation in his chest after tasting the coffee, however he did not give it any importance. He found this coffee so addictive that he returned to buy it frequently. At night the farmer heard the cries of a child in his dreams, a situation that he did not discuss with anyone. As time went by, it was not only the crying but also voices telling him to kill his son, that "he wanted to come back". This was his secret because he did not want others to think that he was going crazy. These voices became very intense and unbearable, the farmer had quit his job and had not slept for several days. He did not want to kill his only son, but neither did he want to continue suffering.

Tired of the curse that had fallen on him and his son, he decided to put an end to it. He loved his son and his wife so much; however, one night he approached the room where his son was sleeping, looked at him tenderly and then committed suicide by shooting himself in the head.


Source provided by _LewiZ



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