The Spoon Maketh The Coffee

Good Morning Coffee Lovers!

Now, I have to confess, I do love a good cup of coffee. In fact, I love a good twenty cups of coffee! But more about that over-reliance another day. Today, I wanted to share with you one of our recent purchases which has made making a cup of coffee just a little bit nicer.

The tea spoon.

Now, I know what you're thinking. A spoon is a spoon.
And you'd be right.

Except - this time, you're wrong.

You see, on our wish list for quite a while was a set of CERAMIC teaspoons which were part of the House of Orange 70s inspired collection. The problem was, they were so overpriced that we couldn't justify buying them - and then we had a, 'We need these spoons' moment - and voila!

The set itself comes in four colours - to be simple: green, white, black and orange. There is a mottled pattern through them, however, each spoon is unique as there is human hands that go into their finishing!

Before I get to my pictures, here's the product image from the website. I wouldn't normally use a product image, but it will show the slight unique variations to my spoons.

House of Orange Link

Here's our setup.
My wife and I have a small tapas bowl which we sit on the kitchen bench next to the kettle. We both have our own spoons - now, on reflection, I get this is weird, and I don't know why we do it - but we do. Throughout the day, we'll just use our own spoon each time we make a beverage. I've always preferred long handled teaspoons (I think they're the ones you'd use for tall dessert glasses, whereas my wife has the shorter traditional teaspoon - in any event, they're always the stainless steel - that is, until now). You'll notice the bowl is also from the same 70s range. In truth, we have lots of things from this range and the mismatch of them sit really well in the kitchen.


Now before I did say we had a spoon each - and, you might have guessed it - mine is this little guy. I actually rather like him - in the hand, there's enough weight to him, and the scoop part is actually quite deep - more scoop than spoon. Either way - his job is to get the coffee out of the jar and stir - and, you wouldn't believe it, this guy functions exactly as a teaspoon should!


What did I tell you? Exactly as a teaspoon should function - and he's made the cup of coffee that is sitting next to me as I type. It really is a pretty spoon, eh?


And of course, the other two spoons in the collection. I quite like both of these spoons - and the orange one is just so fun. However, we just call these our spares. Let's face it, being ceramic, it's inevitable that we'll have a break-age at some point and need to promote one of these guys.


-I never realised what I was missing out on until I started using these spoons. They actually make you feel a little bit fancy. To put it in perspective, I've seen a LEO challenge recently asking what can 10 HBD buy you in your home town. The answer: 1 spoon. Heck yeah I'm fancy with my overpriced spoon!
-There is however a fear that they will break. When I was getting my nightly green tea with honey the other day, I did my normal move of getting the teabag on the end of the spoon and pushing down to squeeze it out - and I thought, golly, I could quite easily snap off the spoon's head. It just meant I had to also put a finger under the head to brace it. Can you imagine if I broke it on Day 1?
-I titled my post, 'The Spoon maketh the coffee' - it was a play on words - because, literally - the spoon does make the coffee, but by using the spoon, I also felt it adds something to that coffee experience that I didn't know I needed.

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