Two Cafés in Krakow, Poland and answers to October HPUD Guessing Contest

Many of you may know that I went to Krakow in Poland recently to attend the HiveBeeCon. You can read about it here. Whilst I was in town, I took the opportunity to visit some local cafés. Here's a couple that I would like to share with you.

Camelot Cafe

This cafe is in the middle of the city centre, just behind the famous Old Square and it must be the cafe with the most interesting history that I have visited. First of all, it's located in a building that dates back to the 13th century, that's 700 years ago! Second... I'll tell you in a minute.

The age of the cafe seeps through every wall within the cafe, and I think the owner has done a great job with the decor to reflect its history. The first thing that caught my as I entered the cafe, was a table perched on the window sill. I wonder what it feels like to sit there and watch the world go by outside. Or would it be the passer bys watching in on the guests as a window display?

Due to the age of the building, the cafe and the tables are spread in three separate rooms. The first being the entrance, the second being these two images and a third room I didn't take any photos as there were other customers sat at the tables. However, you'd probably get the idea of the vibe already.


Apple pie seems to be a very popular dessert in Krakow, it was on most of the menus I dined at. I'm always interested in trying the most popular local food and this one did not disappoint. In fact, I love dessert so much that it's pretty difficult to find a dessert that I don't like.

Remember I said earlier that there's another interesting fact about Camelot Cafe? I'm not sure if the pink decor has anything to do with it. Apparently, in the early 20th century, this building was a brothel!!! It bought a little smile to my face when I found out, I mean how often do you get to dine inside a brothel 😊

Café Tramwaj

The other cafe I visited couldn't be more different, and yes we're going to a cafe, but no we're not catching a tram to get there. Actually, I took a one hour train ride to this cafe in Tarnow. Tarnow is about 80km away from Krakow and is a beautiful town that deserves it's own post later on.

Let's go back to the cafe first. This is Cafe Tramwaj and is a cafe inside a tram carriage. According to the owner, this tram dates back to 1911 till it stopped operation in 1942. Then he acquired it ten years ago and ran in it as a cafe.

The seats inside looks exactly like tram seats, but I forgot to ask him if they were original. They looked as though they were. Anyway, I love the whole setting, and how the café is plonked in the middle of town, as if it's moving.




And do you know what's behind this door? Not only is it a store room, but it also has a toilet inside, I totally didn't expect it! How convenient for customers. However, I couldn't see any mains into the ground when I looked outside, so not sure how the connections work. Anyway, it functioned as a proper toilet, it was clean and there was no foul smell so I'm sure they have it well sorted out after so many years.

A coffee post wouldn't be a coffee post without coffee. Here's the one I had on the tram. It was good, but not as good as the café.


Which was your favourite café out of the two? Let me know 😊

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Answers to October HPUD Guessing Contest

If you read my HiveBeeCon post from a few days ago, you probably know the answer to this month's HPUD Guessing Contest already. After Krakow, I went to Warsaw, the capital of Poland. My next stops are Tallinn in Estonia and Riga in Latvia. I know it wasn't an easy one to guess this month as Europe is so big,and the neighbouring countries would have been a logical choice. Anyway, I head up north for this trip, the other cities many of you mentioned will have to be for another trip.

No one guessed all three cities correctly but two users managed to guess two. And if you mix their guesses together, they actually guessed all three cities! Congrats to @mipiano and @phortun, two friends whom I met for the first time at HiveBeeCon in Krakow.

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Thanks to everyone who took part this month, see you in November HPUD Guessing Contest!!

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