Life begins after coffee | Taste the deliciousness of the jelly milk cappuccino at Ghataf Cofee Premium


How are you all my beloved friends who are members of the Cinnamon Cup Coffee community.

I was born and raised by my parents in a remote village in remote Aceh, yes I was born and raised in Buket Village, a village close to the mountain and surrounded by very dense wild nature.

Growing up in remote villages, as the son of a rice farmer, and a garden farmer, made me know very well the name Coffee, I am very friendly with him, like two brothers who cannot be separated, how can I not, every time my father takes me to the garden and to the fields, my father always brings coffee and makes me addicted to coffee, when it comes to black coffee aceh typical of the village community, I am the king, since I was 5 years old until now I am 32 years old, which means 27 years already, coffee has become my loyal friend who always faithfully accompanies me.

But as long as I joined hive a few days ago I just realized and started to feel that I am missing a lot about coffee with various types, it turns out that as times change, coffee is also changing, there are many names and flavors that I don't know, I found it all in the cinnamon Cup coffee community.

In this community I began to discover the variety of coffee, starting from the name, taste and also the unique way of serving it and the great coffee shop stalls.

This is what made me a few days ago to go to a coffee shop that is currently popular in aceh because of the variety of coffee offered and the delicious flavors that are promised, I found this coffee shop while reading the posts of friends in this community and I wanted to prove it myself delicious coffee at this coffee shop.

The coffee shop I visited was GHATAF COFFEE PREMIUM EAT AND DRINK.

I have never heard the name of this shop before. For many years I have become a coffee addict and connoisseur, until finally I contacted my colleague @jasonmunapasee to find a coffee shop that is delicious and comfortable to use to relax with friends, and finally jasonmunapasee gave the address of the coffee shop This Premium Ghataf Coffee to me.

The distance between where I live and this coffee shop is not too far, it only takes 1 hour drive using a two-wheeled vehicle.

After making an appointment with @jasonmunapasee to meet at Warung Ghataf Coffee, I finally headed straight to the address that was sent to me.

After traveling for 1 hour, I finally arrived at the destination, there is a coffee shop that says GHATAF COFFEE PREMIUM there, I arrived there at 19:30, it turns out that this coffee shop is right next to a gas station where people fill up gas for their vehicles After parking my car in the parking lot provided, then I called my friends and it turned out that they were still on their way and would arrive in a while, and I decided to enter this stall first and they would follow.









As soon as I entered the main door of this shop, my eyes were spoiled with some typical writings from this shop, there is a special menu offered in the form of ice coffee boh rorom which is the first time I know there is coffee that has such a unique name, what I know so far is only boh Rorom is a typical Acehnese food.

There are also words of wisdom that I myself cannot understand, namely No matter how perfect the coffee you make, coffee is still coffee, it has a bitter side that you can't hide.

The strange thing is that when I was outside I didn't see that this shop consisted of two floors, there was a 1st floor and a 2nd floor, I only realized that when I entered this shop, and it turns out that this shop has a very spacious room on the 1st floor.

On the 1st floor there is a cashier's room where everyone will be calculated how much they spend for eating and drinking while in this shop,


On the first floor there is also a kitchen where delicious coffee concoctions are prepared and served by reliable brewers selected from various regions in Aceh.


There is also a special kitchen to prepare delicious and delicious food to enjoy while sipping a cup of delicious coffee.


There is also a ladder that will be used by all users of this shop to climb the 2nd floor to see the natural scenery at night from above.


before going up to the 2nd floor, my eyes fell on a beautiful and beautiful and unique garden decoration which is right in the corner of this coffee shop, this is really a beautiful garden decoration, not wasting the opportunity I asked a customer sitting close to the garden to take a picture I am currently on the bridge in this beautiful garden.






After taking some pictures of the beautiful garden on the first floor, I went up to the 2nd floor, because we had agreed to meet on the 2nd floor, and to get to the 2nd floor I had to climb a fairly high ladder.


after arriving on the 2nd floor I was greeted by a very friendly male customer, while introducing himself to me he gave me a list of food and drink menus, finally I called my friend who was on the road asking what food and drink should I order, my friend said just order 2 jelly milk pudding and 1 jelly milk capuccino and 3 aceh noodles, and soon I will arrive as my friend jasonmunapasee said.

After ordering drinks and food, I asked the employee for a menu book for a moment to see what menus were in this coffee shop and to my surprise, there were so many types of coffee and types of food provided by this shop for its customers, I took some pictures from menu book..









just 5 minutes the drink that I ordered in the form of jelly milk pudding and jelly milk capucino was ready and served at my table, I was surprised and had never seen before how come the jelly milk pudding coffee and jelly milk capuccino I ordered were not put in the glass, as far as I know in the village where I live all coffee served in a glass, maybe this is a new model, I think, this is a luxury stall, it must be served luxuriously.

I was amazed to see the shape of the 3 ordered copies that had arrived, I immediately took some pictures...




not long after, 2 of my friends came and I myself chose a jelly milk cappuccino, and it tasted waw.......woo........woo....super delicious, the taste of coffee plus mixed with the taste of milk and The thick jelly made my tongue not stop swaying, it was amazing.

Mie Aceh our order also arrived, and finally I closed my cellphone no longer taking pictures because keeping our friendship together didn't fall apart due to busyness with cellphones when we were together, and in the end after a few hours we sat joking, talking about many things, including about hive, we called employees to ask how much it cost for everything we tasted, from drinks to food, again what surprised me was the cafe with this luxurious shape and service for 3 people only costs 68,000 rupiah or if it is priced with hive then its worth more or less between 4 or 5 hive dollars Or HBD.


For those of you who are around geudong, and around lhokseumawe, I recommend visiting and directly enjoying the delicious food and drinks typical of Ghataf Coffee Premium on Jalan Medan-Banda Aceh SPBU 14,243,441.

This coffee shop is perfect for all people, whether it's the upper, middle or lower classes, and is also suitable for all ages.

Life begins after coffee.....

Those are the words that stick in my mind from my visit this time to GHATAF COFFEE PREMIUM.

Warm greetings from me addict and coffee lover


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