Salvation Café on the High Seas

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Hello friends, this is my 30th creative writing entry. I hope you like it!

On the majestic cruise ship "Mar de Plata", passengers enjoyed the tranquility of the waters while delighting in the different attractions the ship had to offer. But everything changed when a group of continental pirates boarded the ship in the middle of the sea to carry out the robbery of the century.

Passengers crowded on deck, fearing for their lives, as the pirates ransacked the safes and seized anything they could find of value. Among the pirates, there was one in particular who seemed to have the situation under control, giving orders to his companions and directing them to carry out the heist effectively.

But at one point, the pirate began to get nervous and put his hand to his temple. "Damn it, I've got one hell of a headache! Where the hell is the coffee?" he shouted. One of his companions rushed to search through the ship's supplies, but soon returned with the bad news that the coffee had run out.

"Impossible, this can't be happening!" shouted the pirate, stamping his foot on the floor. "Without coffee I can't think straight, I need my coffee!"

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At that moment, one of the passengers, an old man who had been a sailor all his life, approached the pirate. "Friend, why don't you try some tea? Maybe it will help your headache," he said.

"Tea! Never in life! Tea is nothing but hot water flavored with nothing," the pirate said, despising the idea. "Without coffee, I can no longer lead this heist."

Just when it seemed all was lost, another passenger approached the group. He was a young barista, who had been working in one of the ship's coffee shops. "Excuse me, I've been listening to your conversation and maybe I can help," he said.

The pirate turned to the young barista, with a look full of hope. "Do you have coffee, please tell me you have coffee!" he said.

"Well, technically I don't have instant coffee, but I have something that might work," the young barista replied, pulling out a bag of beans he had been given as a gift in the port of Santa Marta. "These coffee beans are ripe, and if you roast them properly, you can make the rich drink. This could certainly help."

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The pirates and passengers looked at him skeptically, but they didn't have much choice. So the young barista and the pirate set to work together, roasting the ripe coffee beans over a makeshift fire on the deck of the ship. The people around were intrigued by the situation, some doubting it would work, while others were hopeful.

Finally, after roasting the coffee beans, the young barista prepared a drink and handed it to the pirate. "Here it is," he said. "I hope it helps you."

The pirate who had been stricken with a migraine took a long drink of the beverage and immediately began to feel better. His thoughts began to clear and his gaze became sharper. He looked down at himself and was horrified to realize what he had been doing.

"What have I done?" he asked himself. "How could I have become a criminal?"

The barista, who was standing behind the pirate, remained silent. He knew the pirate would never have drunk the drink if he had known what was in it, but he also knew he had done the right thing by helping to stop the pirates.

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Meanwhile, on the bridge of the cruiser, the captain was aware of the situation and decided to take action to prevent future similar incidents.

"From now on, we must have an emergency compartment on every cruiser, filled with high-quality coffee," the captain told his officers. "We cannot afford to run out of coffee again."

After the pirates left, the cruise ship continued on its course to its original destination. The rest of the voyage was uneventful, and all passengers enjoyed their vacation to the fullest. But the incident with the pirates had left a lasting impression on everyone's mind.

The pirate who had regained his consciousness approached the captain of the cruise ship before they reached their destination and apologized for what he had done.

"I'm so sorry for everything we've done," the pirate said. "It was a horrible mistake. I want to make things right from now on."

The captain was surprised but grateful for the apology, and decided to forgive the pirate.

"We all make mistakes," the captain said. "The important thing is that we learn from them and do the right thing next time."

As the cruise ship arrived at its final destination, all the passengers stepped off the ship with smiles on their faces. They had enjoyed an exciting and eventful trip, but most of all, they had learned an important lesson: never underestimate the power of coffee.

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Source by pixabay

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