
I woke up with a smile on my face that morning, taking deep breaths so that the blissful dream I’d been caught in just seconds before wouldn’t slip forever from my memory. I cradled the fond memory of the dream in my head as I made cutesy hand gestures and little dances to the kitchen.

If it was still a mystery, I’d dreamt of being cuddled in my fiance’s arms. It was such a timely dream because he’d informed me of his arrangements to finally relocate here and the dream as far as I was concerned was a glimpse of what our lives would be when he came.


It was with this same joy that I bought this new aphrodisiac coffee from my favourite brand. I imagined a night as I regaled James with silly proclamations of love that I knew would have him reeling in laughter.

My smile slowly turned into a scowl as I opened my cupboard and looked at the two brown packages practically gleaming with the reddish hues radiating from the rising sun.

Who put different types of coffee in the same kind of package?

I tried to remember the aphrodisiac coffee I bought the previous night. It had been a softer hue of brown. As the red sun rose and shone even brighter, I picked the brown pack on the left. There was no doubt that this was my regular coffee. That dull-looking brown was a dead giveaway.

With a whistle on my lips, I quickly made the coffee, occasionally glancing at the old clock in the corner of the kitchen. Today was the day I presented my promotional pitch to the board. Absolutely nothing could go wrong.


Four generous sips of perfectly brewed coffee later, I knew that there was something wrong. Maybe it was because the sun looked pinker, giving hints at nights of love and romance or maybe because....wait, did the smiley face on the mug on the counter just wink at me? And why, for goodness sake, was I winking back at it?

Frantically, I turned the coffee pack around. And right there at the bottom, it said.

Desirée Coffee...the perfect brew for a perfect night.

I landed with a plop on my kitchen stool. “Oh my God, Desirée. What have you done?”

I halted my steps at my company’s entrance. So far, I’d blown a kiss to my speech-impaired neighbour, told the florist at the corner that her green eyes made me think of the most precious emeralds in the world, and downright flirted with the cab driver. Even went ahead to giggle like a teenager when he asked for my number. So far, very embarrassing actions but not something utterly regrettable yet.

“Ouch!” I exclaimed as I reeled backwards, nearly toppling over.

“Oh my, Miss Desirée. I’m so sorry. Forgive my clumsiness.”

“Oh, it’s okay. Reminds me of falling in love anyway,” I said with a smile.

What the actual-

“What?” He asked, his eyes widening into saucers.

“Nothing,” I replied quickly, breezing past him into the company’s posh lounge. For heaven’s sake, I’d never ever replied to Josh with anything but cold civility. Could today be any more embarrassing?

Once I arrived my floor, I traipsed to my working space, not bothering to answer the few heys I got or even return the nods of acknowledgement. Landing like carelessly strewn clothes on my chair, I prayed earnestly that I got by today without any more drama. Or better still, that today’s presentation was cancelled.

“Miss Desirée, it will be your turn in 15.”

I smiled tightly at the Director’s secretary and cast an exasperated gaze heavenward. Why wouldn’t you answer me today of all days?


Fifteen minutes later I was staring at six stoic faces. I needed to impress them today. No time for silliness.

“Miss Desirée Carter? We’re still waiting for you to begin your presentation,” the Marketing manager said.

“Of course, you tall glass of gorgeousness. I’m getting right to it.” I clasped a hand at my mouth as the top officials looked at me in barely disguised puzzlement. Or was it derision I saw there?

“Are you okay, Miss Aaron?” This time it was the director. A mix of befuddlement and amusement on his face.

“Sure sugar, why wouldn’t I be?”

Oh my freaking goodness. Why couldn’t I shut up? My ears nearly rang with the shocked gasps that followed.

“This is an outrage!” Mrs Meadows exclaimed, rising to her feet. “Pull yourself together at once, Miss Aaron! We’re not playing here.”

“We aren’t? Cause I’d definitely love to play with you.”

And....I’ve lost my job. Way to go, Desiree.

“Miss Aaron!”

“Oh my, I’m so sorry. So sorry.” I said, bowing hurriedly as I ran out of the room and out of the office, only stopping to pick up my bag. I fought the urge to cry on the train back home, although I laughed a bit when I found myself winking at the neighbour again. Poor man would think I had something for him.

Snatching the brown pack of life-destroying coffee, I made to throw it in the trash can when my phone rang.

“Miss Desirée?” the person on the other end asked.
“Yeah, this is she, Aphrodite herself.”

She chuckled. “The board has decided to give you another chance at presenting your pitch.”

I nearly fell off my chair. “Really?”

“Yes. Apparently, the Director has had an experience with what must be going on with you. But please, do try to come more... normal this time?”

“Of course. Definitely.” She gave me my appearance time before hanging up.

I slumped in my chair, relieved. Instinctively, I cradled the pack to my chest and burst into laughter. My phone rang again, interrupting my hysterics. I grinned when I saw the caller ID.

“I’m so glad you called, babe. You wouldn’t believe what I’m about to tell you.”


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