Staying in control


My father always liked to have a few drinks, his drink of choice was Whiskey. I remember in the early evening he used to fix himself a drink while watching TV or listening to the radio.

His job made it easy for him to get close to the drink. He was a photographer of social events, every weekend he would take pictures at weddings and parties, and at all of them the hosts would buy him drinks. In addition, almost always at the end of the meeting, he was given even half a bottle of liquor as a gift.

It is likely that my old man was what they called a good drinker, because the truth is that I don't remember ever seeing him drunk.

When I became a teenager my father started taking me along as an assistant for the photography work at parties. I carried the equipment for him, helped with the arrangement of the groups, and made sure nothing was left behind.


On many occasions he would invite me to have a drink, but those drinks were not at all pleasant for me. My father would get annoyed with me and tell me that I should learn to drink because that was an important part of life. But no matter how hard I tried I never got the hang of it.

When my third brother was a little older my father stopped taking me to parties, my brother did like liquor, and my father was very pleased with him. That was the first time I felt I was discriminated against for not being a drinker.

The truth is that I have never felt the pleasure of drinking liquor, neither in moments of sadness or joy. Occasionally in a gathering of friends I accept at most two beers and if it is Whiskey, a single drink with ice well diluted.

When I was younger I had a hard time in many social gatherings. People do not easily accept that others do not drink. For a while I was often called a "party pooper" for not wanting to drink liquor. But over time my real friends have learned to respect me. They know that the most I'll go for is a drink.

Maybe one of the things that kept me away from alcohol was the fear of losing control. I have always been impressed by the transformations that occur in people when they drink liquor. Some people who are generally meek become belligerent, it's a subject that scientists have studied, how people become more violent because of the effects of alcohol.


In my family my third brother drinks quite a bit, although that doesn't stop him from going about his life with some normality. A few years ago I was surprised to learn that my oldest son liked to drink more than he should, and when he was too drunk he would start telling silly jokes and teasing others. Fortunately, after he became a father he has changed quite a bit. He is now a performance swimmer and knows that alcohol can mess up his workouts.

My wife does like to have a drink now and then. Sometimes I put three beers in my groceries for her, which she never drinks all at once. When we go out to a gathering of friends, everyone knows she's the one they serve, but she doesn't drink more than three Whiskeys.

I don't see a problem with people drinking liquor as long as they can maintain the necessary control. Everyone should know what their limit is and not go over it. And that is precisely what is difficult.

As for me, I feel good drinking coffee. It is a drink that has also allowed me to spend good times with friends.

I'm also very cautious with coffee, I usually have a cup in the afternoon. But when I am at my mother's, I also accompany it with my morning coffee.

I think that in this world it is important to try all the pleasures, it is an important part of life. Everything can be done trying not to lose control.

Thank you for your time.

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Until the next delivery. Thank you.

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