The Perfect Mix: Friendship, Coffee and Memories

Just like love hits you in unexpected places and in awkward circumstances so does friendship sprout from unexpected places and with unexpected people.

How this person moves from being a stranger to becoming your “person” is mind-blowing and no matter how you try to wrap your head around it, you still cannot really tell how it all happened. All you remember is that this person has become your “person”.

From unnecessary banters and constant quarrels to a wonderful friendship born out of simple events and a friendship that has stood the test of time. This is simply the story of me and my very good friend Tayo😃


Over the years Tayo has proven to not just be a friend but a friend in deed and he has been there for me since time immemorial.

Just like every other person I tend to associate things with people based on how much they love and adore these things. Once you love something and I know about it half the time I see that particular thing it sort of reminds me about you and I love it as I get to think about my friends and acquaintances randomly.


I have a friend who is obsessed with Crocs, she’s always on the lookout for new Crocs so whenever I see a beautiful Crocs she immediately comes to my mind. I also have another friend who loves mini hair bows, she has them in different sizes, colors, and shapes and sometimes you can’t help but wonder if she doesn’t get bored of them. While looking at any mini bow I tend to see her in the picture.


I tend to associate my friend Tayo with coffee. I have a handful of friends who are coffee lovers but none of them beat my friend Tayo in the coffee game as he is the grandmaster.

Tayo’s love for coffee is next to none and he is more dedicated to his coffee ritual than anything else. I think his love for coffee stemmed from traveling to a few cold countries where coffee was a major part of their culture.


Tayo is also an artist just the way he can go on and on about his latest piece same way he can go on and on when it comes to talking about coffee and his love for it. He doesn’t just like coffee but knows so much about it as well.
He can give you a complete lecture on the importance of taking coffee, different brewing methods, advice on the best bean roast to take, and of course, he can also enlighten you on healthy ways to take your coffee, I always tease him about becoming a Barista.


While I love taking my coffee in absolute peace and quietness most times I do not mind having my coffee with other people. Other than my colleagues that I have had coffee with the other person I have had coffee with the most is Tayo.

It is no news that coffee brings people together and also strengthens bonds as I have seen casual friends become coffee buddies.

Back then in college having breakfast with Tayo meant taking coffee and any other snacks to go with it.

People who travel out of the country tend to come back with so many chocolates, biscuits, and sweets but my friend would rather buy different coffee brands on his way back and if you don’t know how much he loves taking coffee you’d be pissed.

He is an introvert who ordinarily will not socialize, but I think he has had more coffee buddies than random friends and we are happy about that, since coffee does the trick in making him socialize more, we are content😂

All images are mine except otherwise stated.

Thanks for stopping by
Loads of Love🥰🥰

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