Coffee Vs Human Behaviour

I have read different amazing entries for this week's Spill the Beans prompt and I must say that we do have some deep thinkers on Hive.

Do you feel that the way someone drinks coffee gives an insight into who they are as people? Why or why not?

When I first saw the prompt I immediately agreed that from the way a person drinks coffee, we could have an insight into who they are, but taking a few minutes to ponder on the topic and so many used case scenarios I was forced to think differently.


To start with, I took my time to check the meaning of insight from different English dictionaries and I discovered this.

a clear, deep, and sometimes sudden understanding of a complicated problem or situation

Can you get a "clear or deep understanding" of someone by watching them take their coffee on different days and in different conditions or circumstances?

Our environment, values, behavioral patterns, and preferences can affect or influence the way we take our coffee per time but that does not clearly depict who we are, as we are a lot more than we can ever think or imagine.

For example, we don't wake up from the same side of the bed every day, sometimes we are overly happy and ready to take our world by storm, and other times we want the day to pass by so fast, and trust me this affects our mood entirely and our mood influences how we handle certain things or situations. Let's say I woke up from the wrong side of the bed this morning. I get to the office and I grumpily make my coffee and a colleague of mine watches how grumpily and hurriedly I make my coffee without saying a word to him or her.


The next day I wake up on the right side of my bed and I am happy, I reflect upon taking my coffee, I take it slowly and smile at my colleague in between and each and everyday I prepare and take my coffee differently can this colleague of mine conclude that I am bipolar or that something is wrong with me because he or she has seen me making and taking my coffee for a few days or months? whatever he or she concludes on might be wrong because he or she is using only the way he or she sees me taking my coffee as a metric.


In relation to taking coffee, we can also use the way people eat as a case study. I might be very hungry this instant and being presented with a meal I might eat so fast and at that point I just might throw away every ounce of dining etiquette in the bush but another time I might decide to observe all the dining etiquettes and enjoy my meal. So you cannot pick a thing or two by merely watching me eat a couple of times.

Just like our financial status changes, our preferences can also change and this can lead to us wanting to try new things. I can decide to buy five different brands of coffee when I go grocery shopping and if I decide to change my style of taking or making coffee it doesn't entirely mean that I am an adventurous person per se or someone with a lot of money as it was just me wanting to buy something different because I have the money or because I wouldn't have that luxury of time to go grocery shopping for a while.


Again, I might hurriedly take my coffee today because I am late for a meeting or do not want to be held down by traffic that does not mean I always take my coffee quickly neither does it mean that I am not level-headed or I want things to be done quickly. It can even be that I carry out my activities like a snail.

People act differently for different reasons, people are pretentious and they only show you what they want you to see and by the things they do, you might not have an insight of who they are as humans. As a person, sometimes I feel like I know myself but the way I act most times I am also surprised, how much more watching me take my coffee and concluding I am a calm or easygoing person. I can only say that watching a person take their coffee just gives a tip of their lifestyle, and we wouldn't want to measure the whole personality of a person using just a tip, so no I don't think you can get an insight into who someone is by just merely watching them take their coffee.

All images are mine except otherwise stated.

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