What I loved best was meeting you (TCSP #57)

The latest Coffee Shop Prompt got me smiling just now, so even though it's too late for another cup of caffeinated goodness, I thought I'd throw in my two cents' worth.

Right off the bat, you need to know I'm a very confident coffee maker. I love making coffee. Strong, great heady aroma, black and with no sugars. There was a time when I couldn't tolerate a single cup without a generous helping of milk. Now though, I'm frankly in awe at how much nuance I was missing by doing that!

So anyway, I love making my own, and since I moved into my own place, I love having people over for coffee. Because in terms of beverage alone, I find my homemade coffee to be pretty top tier, if I do say so myself.


What do you enjoy about going out for coffee vs. making it at home?

Well, let's see.

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Might be breaking the rules a little here, since this particular uptown coffee shop didn't rock my socks off. I found it a bit pretentious and overpriced. But I remember the encounter, which I loved.

The free pass on illicit pastries

Most of my coffee outings tend to be in the afternoon, since I don't like people-ing very much when I haven't had my coffee. And with my afternoon coffee, I can't resist the urge of a little tasty something on the side. Though I make an effort to eat clean when at home, I tend to use any and every such outing as an excuse for a little croissant, muffin, pain au chocolat, cookie, or all those other wonderful little temptations that ornate most coffee-shops.

No one needs to know.

My healthy diet-meter is safely tucked back at the house, so while out and about coffee-ing, I take it as a free pass to indulge a bit.

To be fair, I don't go out for coffee that often, so what harm could it do?

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Also remember enjoying this chocolate thingy quite a bit.

The frothiness

It's strange 'cause I seem to be two separate coffee-drinkers - the one at home and the one who goes out. At home, I'm pretty no frills, as I said. A strong cup of black coffee is all I need. When out, my go-to is a Flat White, since it's still pretty strong and I just adore the taste, when done right.

So for me, a difference is also that heap of frothed milk that's customary in a Flat White. And it's interesting because, being a big coffee person, I've thought about investing in an espresso machine. You know, something that could take my coffee to proper barista-levels. But then I figure, that exotic little Flat White is only exotic because I only have it a few times a month, when I go out for coffee.

If I invested in a machine, I'd feel inclined to use it heavily, and it would probably lose its charm. It's tempting to over-dose on these little delights, but I figure the beauty lies chiefly in the rarity. In the "I'm treating myself today" mentality.


Finally, my absolute favorite part of going out for coffee is meeting a loved one. I don't tend to go for take-out coffee a lot when I'm on my own. Generally because my schedule allows me to make my own at home as I need to. So mostly, when I go out for coffee it's to see somebody, and I adore that.
Because it doesn't feel overly fancy - it's just a cup of coffee. So mundane. So everyday.
Because it's a little treat, a little catch-up, a little how are you.


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