Palm Sugar Iced Coffee at Dusk

Hi, #hive community friends, good afternoon and Merry Christmas to those of you who celebrate it. In today's post, I want to share a blog post with all of you about the palm sugar iced coffee that I enjoyed at dusk yesterday.

So, yesterday afternoon I went out of the house aimlessly to get rid of boredom, because my friends were busy preparing for the Christmas event. I just go around the city by motorbike. Look around at the passing vehicles, people walking, to the street vendors selling them. I often do things like this when I'm bored at home.

When passing the Starbucks building, I even want to enjoy coffee. But not in Starbucks, because I don't have enough money to buy coffee in Starbucks. I finally went to the humble coffee shop owned by @bayoecakra, which is known as the "Sisi Balik" coffee shop. For me, to enjoy a cup of coffee, you don't have to go to a fancy cafe where the price of coffee is quite expensive. Wherever we are, we can still enjoy coffee even though it's by the river. Because the streets in my city are so jammed, so I arrived there at 6.20 pm, when the sun was starting to set.

As a proletariat, I prefer to enjoy coffee on the outskirts and the street while hanging out with friends, discussing silly things and laughing together. I often order coffee at this "Sisi Balik" coffee shop. besides the cheap price, the taste is no less delicious than the coffee in fancy cafes.

Here, I ordered a bottle of palm sugar iced coffee. this is one of my favourite iced coffee. even in some coffee shops, palm sugar iced coffee is a signature menu and a favourite menu in many circles. The coffee shop handled by @bayoecakra not only serves coffee drinks but there are also non-coffee drinks that customers can enjoy.

If you are hungry and want to eat heavy food, you can also order heavy food menus such as fried rice, fried noodles and gravy noodles. There is also a snack menu that can be enjoyed with coffee such as grilled meatballs, fried dim sum, sausages, nuggets, tempura, etc. I'm here ordering grilled meatballs and fried tempura. I really enjoyed it with palm sugar iced coffee.

The place where I sit to enjoy my coffee is in the backyard of the coffee shop. I'm always in this place for coffee in the afternoon. When I come alone, I enjoy coffee while reading a book or playing games, when I'm with friends, we chat and sometimes sing here. Even, sometimes we make acoustic music content in this place with the band @indonesiabersatu.

The things that make me frequent this place are; I can still enjoy coffee even though I don't have money. Because I am allowed to pay whenever I have money. Hehehe. Okay, that's all I can tell in today's post. Hopefully, in writing this blog, you like it. Thank you very much for visiting. Nice to meet you.

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