"It's commonly said that too much of everything is bad." There are different reasons behind every action in life. There were two apparent situations that propelled me to overload myself with caffeine one as a student and secondly as an attendee in an intensive five days national workshop. As I gained admission to pursue my first degree, one of the notion created in me by peer group was that I must read consistently if not I will fail. That never got into me until I was at my year three where my eyes was exposed and opened to a dimension of study till a new dawn. It was a common practice amongst the science students then.

Haven heard that, I got linked to a classmate who also became my reading mate. We normally go to class at night and read all through.I didn't believe so much in the too much taking of caffeinated drinks to stay awake at night. She gradually influenced me although we used to chew gum, listen to music but caffeinated drink was highly patronised. She hardly missed a day without a caffeinated drink in the night. It became a good template for me hence I copied it and became a lifestyle. I took overdose of coffee with the intention of staying awake all through the night so that I could read extensively. This continues until we finally dropped our last paper. Hmmm thank God I didn't spill over for another academic session because I really read. The caffeine really diffused into my system such that even after the degree programme, I needed to work on myself by completing going on break and taking of constant water to detoxify myself.

On another occasion, I had the privilege to be shortlisted amongst the attendees of a national conference in my country. It was indeed an intensive five days workshop training. A lot were needed to be done and some of us were heads of our group which means the work load was high. Anytime I returned to my hostel room, I have to take some overdose of coffee so that I can reduce the rate of sleep to enable me concentrate and do some work on presentation against the subsequent day. For the entire period of days spent there I had to ensure consistent intake of coffee. I even packaged the remaining ones and brought them home.

When I got home, I had to change my mood of breakfast so that my body system could adjust and at already reduced the effect of the overload I took.
It's very important to moderate the intake of caffeinated things. Right now, I don't take it any longer in excess because it took time for me to recover from some of the effects.

all pictures are mine.

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