A simple but beautiful coffee shop/The CoffeeShop Prompt - Week 49

Hello to all coffee lovers. Today I want to participate in this new initiative.

Of all the coffee shops visited recently there are two that have caught my attention for several reasons, but I already referred to one in the previous publication. Today I would like to refer to the Cafeteria Los Helechos, located in the Hotel of the same name, which is in an important place in the Cuban geography.

I confess that when I arrived at this place I did not think that they could house so many interesting things and one of the ones I liked the most was this cafeteria. In fact, after a first visit I have returned on two more occasions.
You may wonder how is it possible that being from the city I want to return again and again to a coffee shop that is in a place so far away from the geography and, here is my answer:

  • It is a coffee shop that is located in the heart of a mountainous massif.
  • In this place coffee is drunk, as they say in good Cuban from the bush to the cup because coffee is the main economic and productive line of the place.
  • The quality of the coffee offered is exquisite and very varied, with grains of the highest quality.
  • It is a coffee shop that not only offers coffee, you can have a beer, a mixed drink, a soft drink, a sweet, a snack, etc.
  • The quality of the service and the cleanliness of the place are impeccable.
  • The climate of the place is very pleasant
  • The prevailing atmosphere is very cozy.

If all of the above is not enough, they treat you as if you were family and make your life so pleasant that you want to come back again and again.

Important: The photos are my property
I have used the translator Deepl Translate.

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