When One Door Closes, Another Opens

When One Door Closes, Another Opens

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"Well, what do they say about the things we love? We'll go extra lengths for it." By @jhymi. Actually, she's very right on that, except we do not love a thing, otherwise doing anything to get at it wouldn't be a big task. I have watched in movies how people take certain irrational risks just to get someone they love. If it is something we love, then consider it done because we will definitely find the means to get it done

If electricity is declared illegal today, I bet a lot of things would be affected, I am just imagining the setback it is going to cause to the entire world. Imagine how many companies and industries would shut down hehe. My imagination is wild sometimes.

The rate of production will drop immensely, though more human labor will be needed to increase productivity in the absence of machines, that would be an advantage because there would be excess job opportunities, however, the quality and quantity will not match that of the machines.

For coffee lovers, we are going to be in a deep mess, because everything will have to go back the local way. This would be the point where we would know those who truly love coffee. Because a lot will change about it, that's if companies are still willing to produce and for those using Expresso machine, no light, the machine would be down.

For me, thank God, I grew up in the village, In the absence of light, of course, there won't be machines, almost all machines need a good power supply to operate effectively. So I would switch to local tools like mortar and pistol or mill stone (We have one at our family house) it's just to wash it and bring it back to life.

This image is mine

I would be using those tools to grind my coffee beans into powder form. Trust me it's going to consume a lot of energy but from the beginning, I spoke about love, I Know I wouldn't be able to quit coffee no matter the circumstance but I am sure the rate at which I consume coffee will definitely drop.

I don't even use electric cookers in my house so it's almost like an equation balanced, I have my gas cylinder always ready to make my fire, there are other ways of making fire too, which includes using firewood, Others use charcoal too but I have not tried it before that method is very slow and annoying. So you see when my fire is ready, coffee is set I believe, the only thing left is to just get my water warm and there we go.

This image is mine

Using gas to cook is almost as fast as using electricity, anytime I want to have coffee, it's just to turn on my gas and in just a few minutes the water would be warm. I think I won't even feel the absence of electricity in this case. When my water is warm, the next thing is to get my coffee powder and every other thing I want to add to my drink and do the needful. A local proverb says "There are many ways to catch a rat".

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