The Day after the Day after...

Los Angeles Chargers Football GIF by RightNowYawn!

No, this is not the title of a post-apocalyptic movie
or should I say post-post-apocalyptic? ;>)

The inspiration for this write up basically came to me feeling exhausted this morning, possibly as an after effect of two nights ago. More on that in yesterday's Too Hot to Think of a Title.

I'm not exaggerating when I'm saying that it's one of these mornings where my coffee seems to need another coffee...

College Football Sport GIF by RightNowFuturama's Fry agrees

And although I am aware of the fact that feelings are there to be felt, I don't have the time for that right now, I got things to do wasn't coffee invented to do the exact opposite? To push away the fatigue, at least temporarily, so we can be productive ( whatever that means ) and make moneys for our overlords? We need to keep the hamster wheel turning, right?

I wonder who invented coffee...
I know the wrist watch was invented for productivity purposes and now I can't help but ask myself if the same was the case for coffee?

Just kidding. Coffee isn't a machine nor a device, but I guess you get my point: it serves a purpose in the 'machine' called life or should I say: 'work'.

Take a coffee and back to work!

And then there's the antidepressant effect of it. Or, if you are addicted and you don't take your coffee, the opposite effect.

Been there, done that. Too many times. Including doing a number of cold turkeys ( and not around Christmas/Thanksgiving ).

Remember this fellow/ these fellows?

Cold Turkey chasing Hypersensitivosaurus
( Illustrating a scene from my li'l book Hypersensitivosaurus and Cold Turkey)

Shameless Plug:

'Hypersensitivosaurus and Cold Turkey' is still for sale ( a printed signed copy (€10 plus postage fees) or digitally (€5).
I love to be paid in Hive or Hive Dollars.

Just leave me a comment or DM me if you're interested.

More on the book in:

My Books arrived and were almost stolen at my mom's front door

Okay, time for another coffee and time to get moving, literally and figuratively.

I have to prepare my house for moving out temporarily, later today. I am about to spend a week on my sister's land, while she is on holidays, before I follow suit, a little over a week from now, to go to The Netherlands and Italy.

Have an awesome day and don't be too hard on yourself. Meanwhile, I will try to do the same ;<)

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