What do you think of this coffee?

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Greetings, friends of @cinnccf.

The idea was not mine, but my husband's, because the truth is that I don't like to experiment with coffee brands, if I get one that I like, I'll keep it unless I can't find it in the market or even worse, if the quality drops and I have to jump to another one.

This distrust was strengthened in the last years due to the unpleasant experience we lived in Venezuela of shortage of products, among them coffee, which made it very difficult to find a good quality coffee, since many sales of "artisan coffee" arose, which looked very well roasted and shiny, indicator of a recent process, you bought it, when you tasted it, at some point in the grinding process the seller added roasted grain (beans) and the mixture gave a really unpleasant result.

I tell you an anecdote from that time. My sister-in-law is not a coffee drinker and our mother-in-law lives in a region of the country, Lara State, which is a producer of very good coffee. A local company was able to maintain its production, but it was only able to supply that regional market, so she, my mother-in-law, would buy that coffee from me, and after we had put together several packages we would look for someone to send it to me. One day, my sister-in-law said to me:

-I don't understand, if everywhere they sell coffee, why do you insist on having your mother-in-law send you? To which I answered.

-Giova, you don't drink coffee, so you can't feel the differences, but you like to drink sangria, I'm sure you will find differences between one brand and another. Answered.

-That's true, I've tried them: very good, good, regular and bad, keep asking for your coffee, ha,ha,ha,ha,ha.

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And speaking of artisan coffee, my mom liked to have her coffee plants, harvest her beautiful beans and do the whole process to get a tasty and aromatic product that was the delight of the family.

The photograph is from about three months ago, there are a few plants left that give few fruits, but around here no one is interested in harvesting and processing them, because it is a hard work that can become tedious because of the time it requires, so we prefer to go to the supermarket and buy the industrialized product.

This brings me to the original story, the coffees that I have tasted in the last months and that go from very good to very bad, of course this is a very personal appreciation, I am not a specialist, just a consumer that likes to find a well-defined coffee that leaves my taste buds impregnated with its soft bitter flavor and that has a sweet aroma that makes me happy and comforts me at the moment it reaches me, it is also the perfect excuse to share a pleasant time.

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Based on these criteria I will begin to present them from less to more.

As bad as the character

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This was a gift given to my niece, and she wanted us to get together to prepare it and share some time. It turned out to be a simplistic preparation, without "body", inconsistent. Inconsistent.

She prepared it with love and following the directions, but there was no way we could drink it. So he prepared the traditional coffee that saved the time and his exquisite cake that he had prepared to accompany it.

Coffee that is not coffee

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It is as bad as the previous one, it is not a pure coffee, it is like those blends I was talking about in previous paragraphs, they sell it to you as coffee, this one they even give themselves permission to call it Gourmet, and it turns out that it did not taste like what I think it should taste like, coffee.

Two good ones

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These are good and from the logo it seems to me that they are from the same company, I drank them for a long time, however, at times I felt that they were not the same coffee as always, that the quality dropped, finding myself with a beverage that lacked flavor.

Possibly, it is that I am picky, but I have what I consider my perfect recipe, same amount of water and same amount of coffee, if that does not give me the exquisite drink that I expect to savor, I discard it and start looking for another one. So these two I only acquire if I can't find the one I currently use.

The one with the prejudices

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This coffee, La Llave, was brought to me as a gift from a niece who went on a trip to Miami. When I read the name of the product, my prejudiced mind immediately assumed that it would not be very good, because I associated it with a blue washing soap, very well known here in my country, with an unpleasant aroma.

When I tasted it I was delighted, it faithfully fulfills the promise of its slogan: "Roasted especially for the Latin taste". It is a pure, strong, tasty, aromatic coffee that when you drink it you are left with that aftertaste of good flavor that you want to continue enjoying.

I have seen it in the supermarkets here, but its price is three times higher than the national ones, so I don't like to buy it.

My favorite star

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This is the coffee I currently drink. I love it, because it has the characteristics of what I consider to be an excellent coffee. I have been drinking it for about two years, and it has never tasted different to me, its purity lends itself to prepare various recipes without losing its flavor or aroma and in its original preparation it is simply perfect.

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