Trying some different coffees at Artesano


In the last few days, we have been spending time at home with my son, who has wanted to take advantage of being spoiled at home by his mom. But we have also been going out from time to time. A few days ago, he asked me to go out for coffee. He told me to go to a coffee shop he hadn't been to before to try something different.

I thought of taking him downtown and having one in Artesano. Since I discovered it earlier this year, the latte they make has become one of my favorites, and I knew my son had never been there.


It was a weekday, and the cafeteria was less crowded than on weekends when we used to go there.

I went with the idea of trying something different and having one of their specialty coffees. I don't usually order that kind of coffee and go for the traditional latte or cappuccino. But this time, I wanted to venture out since Artesano has a varied offer of coffee, most of them with a touch of liquor.


I opted for an Adriana coffee, which was the only one of the specials that did not have liquor added. It was espresso with papelón syrup, cinnamon, and cream of steamed milk.

Papelón is an unrefined product of sugar cane.


I ordered a chocolate chip cupcake to go with it. But then I regretted it. The coffee was good but too sweet for my taste, and I ended up getting cloyingly sweet.


My son ordered a Fabiana coffee. It had espresso, rum syrup, sarrapia (tonka beans), and cream of steamed milk.

It was good, but I also found it too sweet.


And he ate one of the specialties of the place, a golfeado with handmade cheese (queso de mano). The golfeado is a rolled bread that has a kind of caramel made with papelón, anise, and grated white cheese.


My son said it was delicious, hehe. I tried a little bit, and it was yummy. Next time I will order one, but with a traditional latte.


And hubby opted to try a Marietta coffee. Espresso, vanilla syrup, brandy, cinnamon, and cream of steamed milk.

I think I liked this one the best. It was also quite sweet but tasted a bit like Baileys. So a small one after a big meal would be nice.


The three of us had a fun time, adventuring around with our coffees for the occasion.


We'll be back to Artesano for sure, but I'll stick with the latte when it comes to coffee next time ;)

I think this post fits well in #thecoffeeshopprompt 13 regarding ordering in a coffeeshop something you will normally never try.

Thank you for reading.

All images and writing are my own unless otherwise stated.

© CoquiCoin

June 10, 2023

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