Worst vs Best : Coffee Tasting Notes


We often talk about Flavour Profiles in Coffee. Especially the professional Q Graders or Qualified Tasters. Over time the customers have also started to identified the various notes in the cup.

It’s been three years into understanding specialty coffee and looking at multiple brands putting specific descriptions on their products labels. 🏷️



The most common among the flavour notes is the fruity notes that arise in the cup. Fruity notes range from extreme sweet tropical fruits to subtle sweetness of the fruit. Be it a watermelon note or a pear 🍐 it’s still known for its natural sugary taste than the chocolate, caramel, jam, syrupy notes. The added sugar has a different taste than natural based sugars. Although the reason of its existence in the cup doesn’t attribute to added sugars. The fermentations of Fructose content in the coffee cherries are to be understood more closely.



Some coffees are known for their spicy tasting notes. 🥵 Though they are a rarity, the cafés somehow prefer this refreshing combination with the dishes they serve. The gingery, pepper, cinnamon touch to the coffees are what make this beverage a perfect craving for unique customers who understand the complexity.



At times the coffees do taste Floral 🌸🍸



Have you ever had coffees that taste like jasmine, bergamot, rose, honeysuckle,
hibiscus or citrus blossoms? 🍊


Tasting coffees that are unpleasant is not a fun experience. Recently one such coffee tasted like Waxy Shoes 👞 This got me thinking about making a story on Instagram and having a poll. The best way to know my customers is getting them engaged through social media.


I got 7 replies and a ton of laughing responses from the people. To know them keep reading 😌✍️



The first response to the question was

Orange Tic Tac 💊



Ram Bishop replied with “Just had a coffee with COMPOST notes,😂 which was an old bag of excelsa coffee species.



Ajay Redij, a Q grader said he tasted a coffee that had “Rotten stagnant pond water” taste. 👅



Meanwhile Santhosh Narendran spoke of his experience with an international experienced roastery, that had coffee aroma of Pedigree. 😪



Shravan told me that he had tasted a brew that was equivalent to having battery acid 🪫


Considering I’ve got such responses, it’s not surprising that I got a customer asking me “How do I know the flavour of a shoe” 🫠

It smelt like new leather shoes, And the oiliness just added a waxy shoe polish taste. Wasn’t pleasant at all. Another planter tasted it with me, he said it tasted like shit 💩 So I feel like my answer was sugar coated.



A fellow planter told me he cupped a coffee that tasted like garlic 🧄🤢




While Mohit replied ‘Asafoetida’.

Hoping I haven’t ruined your day with my list of bad tasting coffees 😂 Incase I have scroll down to find some of the best tasting notes I’ve ever had.



Citrusy 🍊

A zesty touch to a sweet, juicy tangy taste. Blends well with the bitterness of the drink. Perceived difference by individuals. For a few it might remind you of the fruit. Some may feel so strongly and connect to their childhood memories of having the Tangy juice called Tang in the orange flavour. One such customer felt the feeling of orange peel being pressed and the zestiness oozing out.

Coffee may just be a beverage for some of you. For the rest it’s a feeling. A connection to past memories.



Buttery Popcorn 🍿

The first thought when you taste buttery popcorn is an oiliness in your palate. But so smooth and delicious unlike the nasty oily taste of leather. Accompanied with the creamy texture is the popcorn nutty curnle, so airy and toasty. Mild but satisfying texture enhancing the simplicity of the coffee.



Chocolate 🍫 or Roasted Cacao Nibs.

A silky smooth texture of melted chocolate or the sudden sweetness of the chocolate chips within the cookies is found on the back of the tongue. 👅 The rum- dipped mixed nuts rarely have a noticeable effect in the drink or a simple hazelnut crunchy treat is an added hint with the overpowering sweetness of the chocolate.



Caramel 🍯

The sticky bitter sweet taste of caramel along with fresh aroma of medium roasted beans begins to cloud the room. This is the first time I’ve ever seen caramel be a highlighting flavour in our own beans from St. Margaret Estate.

A memory of us brewing our own beans on an espresso machine in Melbourne where the air filled with the sweet scent of caramel, creating one of the most exquisite espressos I have ever savored. Inspired, I decided to incorporate these same beans into a midnight delicacy. Indeed, you’ve guessed correctly—it was an affogato. This delightful concoction evolved into a weekly tradition, one I joyfully prepare for my family.



White Chocolate 😯

This was a fun lot I tried against the Floozy Coffee called Golden Hour Espresso Blend with Apricot, Cherry and Golden syrup profile. The White Chocolate danced on the palate with Blueberry Jam, a syrupy mouthfeel. I couldn’t describe this flavour. Best way to understand it is to taste it yourself.



Jasmine 🌸✨

The intoxicating aroma of jasmine though is light enough to be almost missed. The soothing infusion cannot help but highlight the warm feeling in the brew. The floral hints never overshadow other notes which makes it such a team player.



Aromatic Rose with such a subtle touch to the cup. 🤤 adds a romantic vibe, having a pinkish heart of latte art would just make the drink top notch.

Many of us producers, roasters and cafés have debated the need for such detailed flavour specification and allowing the customer to have their unbiased opinions about the coffees. Do you also feel that the coffee flavour profile should be a part of the packaging or it should be left to the customer’s unbiased opinion?

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. If you find it valuable and think others might too, please feel free to share it.

Warm wishes and richer brew's,
Lynn Mascarenhas.

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