The Daily Grind No. 18

Hello Hive!

Welcome πŸ€—

Feeling sluggish and suffering from the Monday Blues?
You've come to the right place!


Cinnamon Cup Coffee takes your blues away, with the The Daily Grind - your curation of high-quality coffee content from community members and others across the Hive Blockchain.

To add some spice to your day, I've been skimming for some amazing coffee posts with some awesome treats from members who believe in the power of coffee ✊

Earning a place on #TheDailyGrind is the following 10 posts that made me smile.
If you like them too, please upvote, reblog and feel free to interact and join the friendly tribe of this community. Also, why don't you test your Coffee knowledge with our Coffee Trivia?

For the period of April 23 - April 26, 2021, here are the 10 articles in no special order.

Let's start off with ...


The Answer will be given at the end...

Author, Blurb & Title

No. 1 @juanvegetarian πŸ‘ Trying Out "Healthy" Coffee

I like that: "I Only Drink Coffee On Days Ending In "Y"... Y Not?

The description says that drinking this will help regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and improves heart health and digestion. The bonus is that your skin will get a "youthful glow" when you drink this regularly.

No. 2 @brutalisti πŸ‘ Coffee and Science...How They Both Work?

I think it's a great idea for us #coffeelovers to hear all the updates and findings of coffee. Here's a great analysis and summary.

So science definitely agrees, that not only coffee is safe, not only it reduces risk of multiple diseases, but also performs best when drinking 3-4 cups a day, quantity that most people would consider high levels of consumption.

No. 3 @livinguktaiwan πŸ‘ When I Buy And Buy And Buy And Buy Stuff That I Really Don't Need

How could you resist buying espresso mugs with pink and red lips? I believe these stunning cups are unisex and perfect for serving anyone.
Perfect cups for enjoying some Brazilian Nuts Hive Blockchain Arabica Roasted Coffee.

No. 4 @cvnuitter πŸ‘ Drinking Coffee Before Training Has Its Benefits

Coffee increases the heart rate improves blood regularization and thus we have a better oxygenation.

No. 5 @diveratt πŸ‘ Dawlisious

Coffee with Cheesecake - Breakfast Of Champions Indeed!!!

No. 6 @mdosev πŸ‘ My Special Gear For Making Coffee. No This Is Not A Chemistry Class

Psychedelic looking Coffee Machines?
I'm curious about these on s many levels. I appreciate @mdosev declaring that this is not a Chemistry Class ;)

No. 7 @failingforwards πŸ‘ Cafe - Monomad

Awesome looking monad images, which make me want to touch them and make them come reach. Soul Food! ;)

No.8 @fruityfruitz πŸ‘ Great Way To Have Tea Or Coffee

A coffee mug with the perfect message to start your day. A great reminder everyone, is to take care of your self everyday, in every way.

No. 9 @tinaagustina πŸ‘Coffee Greentea Latte

Every time we are writing, we often feel bored and sleepy, sometimes even tired because we constantly sit and stare at the screen. Isn't it time we made friends? a loyal friend to accompany us while we are writing.

No. 10 @artmom πŸ‘ Got A Treat In Our Mailbox

These delights are for coffee lovers and tea lovers. Great Japanese products.

This ain't your grandma's instant coffee. The finest coffees in the world hand-roasted, small-batch brewed and preserved for you.


Answer to Coffee Trivia ...

Source: Info & Image


I really enjoyed all these lovely treats, and the passion felt from all the coffee lovers' contributions.

Cinnamon Cup Coffee is on the lookout for your awesome coffee posts and coffee-related content, please tag us:
#coffee #cinnamoncupcoffee #coffeelovers #coffeeshop.

🚫10 great articles will be highlighted and featured in #TheDailyGrind
⚠️Just a reminder, please check and comply with community rules, very important for the credibility of the Hive BlockChain.

Thank you for stopping by, and please upvote and reblog these posts, and if you'd like to come to hang out with us, just subscribe right here.

Just a quick reminder:

In case you missed it, Cinnamon Cup Coffee has launched our very first competition.

Here's a link to the Coffee Lovers Competition #1

Enter now for a chance to WIN!

Your Virtual Coffee Shop

It's A Warm Community, Please Drop By Anytime!

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