The Mad Quack in the Lab - a Spill the Beans entry. Cheers to the Hive drop...oh well.

Cheers to the Cinnamon Coffee Cup Crew and to the Spill the Beans entries. #stb #spillthebeans

The Coffee is keeping me alive right now.

EUREKA I screamed, as i may have created the perfect cup of coffee. Starting with the perfect blend of beans, im settling with a Columbian, middle of the road, starting flavor. The best quality cream, not milk. A scoop of sugar unless you prefer an alternative. A dusting of cinnamon. And the final, secret ingredient......

The leftover from the ice cream i just ate out of the same mug. It gives it a slightly different hint of cream as well as some chocolate.

I ponder, as i chew on a GUMBALL. The CLOUD COVER just came in. Outside of my lab it appears im just a normal single guy near the city of Chicago. Down under in the Quack Cave ive been cookin like a GOOSE.

Chillin like a penguin in the arctic.
Im just a marble in a maze.
A character in the LABYRINTH.

Im not quite a BLACKSMITH, im more like a scientist.
Im not forging steel but forging neurons in my brain.

Im a RUNAWAY TRAIN headed down the tracks, but im not ready for the SWITCHBACK.

To make the perfect cup of coffee is my desire so i concoct and experiment and for these already spoken ingredients, i have settled.

I head to my TOOLSHED. I grab all my supplies needed. I jump into the magic PAINTING.

When i arrive in time, i am able to transport to the day before. This process as ive been stuck in for the past century. Im not immortal but by manipulating time such magic can be attained.

the 100th time should be the charm...

1st let me take 1 puff....and i transport like quantum entanglement. Like a SANDWORM.

When i arrive at my lab table i add the ingredients again. To the Duck mug of course. This time almost, a puff of steam pops out from my mug. Is it a HEX.

Is this my Coffee or a PUZZLE BOX?


And as i Sip my insides are heated.
All this time have I been cheated.

Hang up my lab coat to think another day.
For now, i suppose thats all that a Quack....has to say.

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