There's something about coffee...

A while back, a little over a decade ago, a young girl moved from a small Bulgarian town where everybody knew each other to the big city of Montreal. Her heart was split in two as she understood this would grant her opportunities she couldn't even dream of but at the same time, she was leaving everything and everyone she knew behind. She was a little scared but extremely excited to start this new chapter in her journey and build the life she's always wanted.
That girl was me. Even though I have yet to build my dream life, my experiences in Canada have been such a breath of fresh air from the routine I was stuck in back in my country. And today, I felt like sharing a little something with all of you beautiful coffee-lovers as it revolves around - yup, you guessed it. COFFEE 😍

This story takes place in the period between 2009 to early 2013. At the time, I was starting a job at the cutest Dunkin' Donuts in the city! Little did I know, this place would change me forever. I was working for this older Vietnamese couple - Monsieur Tran and Madame Maï. They were amazing bosses and, for someone who was away from their country, they felt like grandparents to me. Anyway, back to the coffee shop. It was a huge place, painted in orange and purple and it had such a welcoming vibe to it that the second you entered, you felt enchanted to stay. At least, that's how I felt and that's one of the reasons why I spent 3 years there (we'll get to the other reason shortly 😉).


I have so many great memories at this particular coffee place. Even looking at this photo now brings tears to my eyes as this was one of my most favourite times in my life. I've chatted with such amazing people, while serving them their morning coffee every single day. I used to do a Monday to Friday, morning to noon shift so I got to meet and befriend all the regulars. It's during this time that I had the feeling that I've finally found my place and my community.
And that's when I met him.
You know, it's funny how no matter what coffee shop you go to, the barista will always have that one particular customer that would make their days better in an instant. That's what he was to me. Let's call him Adam. Adam was one of my favourite customers - even though, in the beginning I wouldn't admit it. He was tall, had piercing blue eyes and the most contagious smile. I couldn't not smile whenever I was talking to him. And even though we didn't know each other that well, we always found something to talk about to the point where he'd stay for 20-30 minutes and I'd get called out by my coworker...Oops!
Adam had a bit of Italian and a bit Irish in him - like the majority of the Canadians I've met. He was very well spoken and had a thing for good books. He's the reason I got into Anne Rice novels.
He used to take a medium, triple-triple which I always made fun of him for. We had such a fun, friendly and at times playful banter that if he missed a day, my work hours would not feel the same. I have so many wonderful memories with Adam but barely any photos of or with him. Kind of like Rose and Jack 😀

Nothing ever happened between us other than the every day conversations we were both looking forward to, a few hugs here and there, and one particular birthday party I still remember. Adam and I had a mutual friend - Mel. She threw a party for my 21st and invited him in hopes that this would finally push us to be together. It was such a fun time for all of us that day - no worries, just cake, alcohol and jokes all around. Oh yes, and this photo:


The last time we saw each other was on Christmas Eve 2012 when Dunkin' had to close its doors. Because we felt like we wouldn't meet again (or perhaps serendipity played a part 😉), we got each other presents that day. We also shared the longest hug ever. He picked me up (he was 6'1, I'm 5'7) and whispered in my ear that he really enjoyed getting to know me, little by little every single day for the past few years and that he would miss me dearly. We still kept in touch for a few years after this and came close to meeting again but I think by that time, I had realized that it was probably the coffee aroma that charmed me and made me romanticize our story in a way. Timing was also never on our side, which I recently came to realize is something powerful. What remains are beautiful memories with someone I had the pleasure of knowing, even if for a little while. Oh yes, and coffee 🤩

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