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This here is yet another exciting method of brewing an amazing cup of coffee. Aeropress can be used to make a good cup of Americano or Espresso.

I will just be giving a brief description of the working. The grind size and bloom period depends on what type of coffee you want to brew.

Below are a few basic parts of an Aeropress (there are still more parts to be added but as they aren't necessary for an overall understanding I'll be skipping them)

  1. Plunger
  2. Chamber
  3. Filter Cap
  4. Micro Filter
  • First a Micro Filter is placed into the Filter Cap. The Cap is then screwed onto the bottom of the chamber.
  • The chamber assembly is placed over a cup and your coffee grind is added into the chamber. Hot/Cold Water is poured into the chamber gently for a bloom to take place.
  • Once the desired bloom period elapses the plunger is inserted into the chamber and force needs to be exerted to extract the final coffee from the chamber.

And thats pretty much how an Aeropress works and again this is just a basic explanation of the working. FYI Aeropress also has something called The Aeropress Go which a cute little portable version of it and the entire assembly fits into a drinking cup. HOW COOL IS THAT!!!!! (Feel free to gift me one LOL "Cries On The Inside")

Just a few days back i've taken part in a Coffee Lovers Contest in which i've written quite a bit about my interest and passion for coffee. So if you feel like reading it do go ahead.

P.S the images on that particular post are AMAZING!!!

This image was shot at Mandala Cafe In Mangalore which is my current favorite place to go to for great coffee.

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