Coffee and Blockchain


Coffee and friends make the perfect blend.

- Anonymous.

Hello there, coffee lovers and beverages enthusiasts!

There are no selfies or group photos here. But I managed to get a few photos of the meeting place, sweets and my cup of coffee. When there's a good time coming your way, photos are the least of your worries.

It doesn't matter where I go, I always need to have espresso. It can be a shot, double or sometimes even triple. But if the coffee isn't good like this, I won't go back there.

I was meeting here one of my favorite Professors from my time in college. Now that I give it some thought she must be my favorite teacher, period. Anyways, she's the one that got me into the blockchain back in 2018. Gave me my 101 of the topic since everything was quite weird and kind of frightening at moment. Now, I'm returning the favor.

She came back to Hive after having spent some time in that place that shouldn't be named, and it's doing some amazing work with vegan recipes. So, if you're interested, check her content out. She's @marlyncabrera.

We had some coffee to catch up and discuss several things. I had some questions about venturing back into teaching on my own. She had some about all these new Dapps that are helping us create content in specific ways and make our lives on Hive much easier. It wasn't too difficult to help her out. I've on this self-imposed-yearly-content-creation challenge. Thus, I know my way around Dapps.

About the sweets and coffee, it's quite hilarious that once she asked which one I wanted, she cracked a smile. With a pat on my shoulder, she said "you're on the same team". Yeah, we both like our coffee black and without sugar. The big cookie you there was also a recommendation. It was really good. But I couldn't finish it there.

What a better way to start a week than having some coffee with good company and talking about the blockchain?

  • Photos 📷: taken by me (Redmi Note 8).

  • Thumbnail 🖼️: by me, created with Canva.

  • Editing 🎬: by me, made with Adobe Photoshop Lightroom.

Logo grabado en madera.jpg

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You can find me at discord as bertrayo#1763

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