Morning Serenity

If there is one thing I can say about myself is that I am an early bird. Most times I go to bed late and then my body system is used to the fact that I wake up very early. I love to wake up early because I love the morning peace before everywhere gets busy and everyone is preparing to go to work. For me, this is the period I get to think so calmly and then get some creative work done quickly because at that time everywhere is calm and peaceful.


This brings me to my answer for the spillthebeans prompt, I take my coffee very early in the morning. As I said, waking up so early helps me to think properly and do some work that needs me to be creative. To me, that is the perfect time for my hot cup of coffee. Immediately, I wake up and say my morning prayers, I make a cup of coffee and then I get straight to work on my laptop.

I am someone who doesn’t like having her coffee with a snack or even food. I will always say that having my coffee alone with no snacks alongside is the best for me. I don’t have anything hindering the taste of coffee in my mouth because whenever I take my coffee I always want to taste every bit of it. Having my coffee with a meal will even distract me from whatever I am doing in the morning so most times I always prefer to have just my cup of coffee as I work on my laptop early in the morning.


Regardless, there are some mornings when I wake up and I don’t want to work on any design work or any project at all. During those days, I just take my coffee as I do some alone time and a bit of meditation. To me having my coffee so early in the morning is just like having my yoga session. This has become a daily routine to me and whenever I wake up and then I realize I am out of coffee, my day feels like something is missing.


I have tried having my coffee late hours of the morning for instance when I was out of coffee at home and I needed to stop by a cafe, honestly, the taste was different and at first, I thought maybe it was the flavor of coffee used but after I had the same feeling a second time I was there, I realized that nothing beats my daily routine of having a cup of coffee immediately I am out of bed.


To me, my morning routine of having a cup of coffee before starting my daily activities is magical because it’s always so quiet and every taste lingers in my mouth and it gives a refreshing feeling. Opening me to having a great day. A cup of coffee for a perfect day. I think my body system is even used to my daily coffee routine and changing this routine would be difficult but it is interesting to know that am sticking to this routine because it makes me feel great.

All images used are mine except otherwise stated

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