Coffee and dessert at Starbucks, Bogotá|The Coffee Shop Prompt: No. 4

Greetings, my dear coffee-loving partners!

A rainy day deserves, urgently, a good hot coffee. Here in Bogota, the rain is frequent, so we always have a coffee in our hands, if we are at home, or if we are on the street we look for a coffee shop to sit and enjoy one, while the rain passes, which most of the times turns into showers even with hail.


On one of our outings, the rain didn't wait long and came with a vengeance. We had to pick up the pace. We were glad to find a Starbucks and took shelter there.

Since I've been living in this city, I haven't had the opportunity to visit one. Starbucks is one of the best known coffee shops in the world and with a very attractive concept to share a delicious coffee with family or friends, or to sit down to work in a quiet and very pleasant atmosphere.

This Starbucks is a large place, with dim lighting and a rather minimalist decoration. In the ordering area, you can see everything they offer: the menu of coffees and drinks, plus desserts and snacks that looked delicious.

This Starbucks is a large place, with dim lighting and a rather minimalist decoration that I really liked. In the ordering area, you can see everything they offer: the coffee and beverage menu, plus desserts and snacks that looked delicious.

My daughter ordered an Iced Caramel Macchiato, my husband an Espresso Americano and I ordered a Cappuccino with lactose-free milk and for dessert a poppy seed cake that caught my attention because of the name. I was curious to know this flavor that I had never tasted before. Feeling sweetness without being cloying and discovering how some seeds made the experience memorable.

I couldn't stop taking the photo for my collection of moments with coffee, as I always think it's possible that I can use it in some of my publications, this is the first time, but I'll save it for the next ones.


We spent most of the afternoon there. It was a family moment like the ones we like to share and enjoy whenever we can. We all left satisfied with what we ordered and we agreed to come back, with the intention of bringing a book or our computers to take advantage of the work area, which was the one we liked the most because of its coziness and quietness.

Coffee, nectar of the gods, must be, to be good, as ardent as your eyes, as black as your hair, as pure as your soul, as sweet as your kisses. (Francisco Villaespesa).

All content in this publication is original content and personal creative work. The separators and banners are my designs in Canva. The photos are my property.

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