[ Eng- Esp ] Mi curiosa historia con el café | My curious history with coffee

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Fuente | Source | Photo of my authorship captured with my Iphone 8

Saludos amigos de Hive, amantes del café, espero estén teniendo una excelente semana, siempre acompañados e inspirados por una taza o dos de café. Hoy quiero compartir mi curiosa historia con el café, empezando por confesarles que nunca me gustó. Aunque para muchos suene muy extraño, mi madre mientras estuvo embarazada de mi aborreció el café, detestaba el olor y por ende, nunca me acostumbró a tomarlo, aunque a ella le encantaba. Ni las variaciones frías o calientes me gustaban y con el paso del tiempo solo lo tomaba cuando me lo ofrecían en alguna casa. El té me gustaba mucho más. Esta historia toma un giro inesperado ahora que estoy embarazada, pues parece que a mi bebé si le gusta y los disfruta bastante. En varios portales de maternidad he leído que muchos de los antojos o gustos inesperados es motivado a que en efecto el bebé lo disfruta y si, puedo dar fe de eso porque poco a poco lo he disfrutado mucho, me provoca y más me ha encantado que es un excelente acompañante de buenas conversaciones con buenos amigos. Hoy disfruté de un mocaccino junto a mis amigas y comparto con ustedes tan divino momento. Honestamente, ¿siempre les gustó el café?

Greetings Hive friends, coffee lovers, I hope you are having an excellent week, always accompanied and inspired by a cup or two of coffee. Today I want to share my curious history with coffee, starting by confessing that I never liked it. Although it may sound very strange to many, my mother hated coffee while she was pregnant with me, she detested the smell and therefore, never got me used to drinking it, although she loved it. I didn't even like the hot or cold variations and as time went by I only drank it when it was offered to me in a house. I liked tea much better. This story takes an unexpected turn now that I am pregnant, as it seems that my baby does like them and enjoys them a lot. In several maternity websites I have read that many of the unexpected cravings or tastes are motivated by the fact that the baby enjoys it and yes, I can attest to that because little by little I have enjoyed it a lot, it provokes me and I have loved that it is an excellent companion for good conversations with good friends. Today I enjoyed a mocaccino with my friends and I share with you such a divine moment. Honestly, have you always liked coffee?

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Fuente | Source | Photos of my authorship captured with my Iphone 8

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Fuente | Source | Photos of my authorship captured with my Iphone 8


Fuente | Source | Photos of my authorship captured with my Iphone 8

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Fuente | Source | Photos of my authorship captured with my Iphone 8

Gracias por leer las pequeñas experiencias que vienen con sabor a café. El de hoy, lo disfruté en un pequeño local de Venezuela llamado "Cake Market", muy recomendado para quienes se inician en este aromático mundo. Abrazos virtuales.

Thank you for reading the little experiences that come with coffee flavor. Today's, I enjoyed it in a small place in Venezuela called "Cake Market", highly recommended for those who are new to this aromatic world. Virtual hugs.

Traducido con App https://www.deepl.com/translator

Translated with App https://www.deepl.com/translator


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