Moments dedicated to coffee usually become part of a sacred ritual for all coffee lovers. There are infinite contexts that can be narrated from beginning to end, knowing that the end will always be that moment of sitting down to savor a delicious and steaming cup of our favorite elixir.

Where does this process begin? When we go to the supermarket and begin to look at the shelves with the innumerable brands of coffee, but in my case, always, and because it is already a habit, I go directly to the one I am used to using. I do not rule out trying new brands in the future, as I have already seen that they offer presentations of 100 grams, hahaha, just in case I am not convinced, I do not lose so much.

Years ago my favorite brands were Madrid, El Peñón and Anzoátegui, but the first two disappeared for a while in this area in a season of scarcity, and Anzoátegui took over my favoritism. I usually buy the traditional one, but I have tried the Anzoátegui Expreso type on a few occasions, although I did not like it better than the traditional one, it is a little stronger, and I have not tried the decaffeinated one.

My palate with coffee has already adapted to the process that exists between the type of coffee and the method to make it, and it is here where there is a close complicity between me and my cloth strainer, since tanning the cloth by constant use also took its time, and not using electric coffee makers, or grecas, is decisive to obtain a guayoyo one hundred percent llanero as I like and as I am accustomed to drinking.

In this last purchase a few days ago, I brought the ingredients that cannot be missing in my kitchen to prepare a good coffee, and these are my Anzoátegui Tradicional coffee, powdered whole milk, and cinnamon sticks.

And to continue adding additives to my blends, I incorporated one of those afternoons, some tea and cocoa nibs that I bought from the guys at @chocobaha, who always offer us many options to try with our daily coffee.

I say goodbye until another opportunity to tell more beautiful stories in the company of a good coffee.

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All content images belong to my personal gallery.
The translator used is: Deepl Translator

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Applications: Canva, PhotoScape, Instagram, Inshot and Pixiz.
Translation: Deepl Translator
Personal images are taken with an Android Xiaomi Redmi 9 mobile device owned by me.
Images used in banners, minibanners, gifs and separators, are courtesy of Pixabay.
© Copyright: @annafenix (2021 - 2024)


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