I Donut Mind My Cravings - I Welcome Them

It was mid afternoon when the craving hit me.

Hmmm I feel like a custard donut and coffee!

Anyone who knows me well, would know that custard donuts are the keys to my soul heart. I could probably eat four of them in a row if I wasn't trying to lose a few kgs.

That morning I had heard about a bakery just round the corner from our homebase - not exactly walking distance but not far to drive. This particular bakery is tiny. Family owned and run, smack bang in the middle of the industrial area. The first thing that I liked about it was that it didn't enforce mandatory mask wearing. I tore that thing off my face faster than Husain Bolt eats chicken nuggets. It was a liberating feeling seeing people's faces again. They were all smiling.

Lory and I perused the few remaining morsels in the window. Donuts. Cinnamon Sugar, Dark Chocolate & Almond, Lemon Zest & Coconut. The co-owner greeted us in a very cheerful demeanour, while smiling, asked us what we would like... "Four donuts, a coke and a cappucino please. Donuts for dinner, why not right?".

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He raised his eyebrows and exclaimed "Wow, you're a lucky??? kid" to Lory while judgementally shaking his head. I love saying things like this to people and catching them offguard (I enjoy watching their reactions). I whispered "Not really, we have spaghetti bolognaise at home for supper." His smile returned as he agreed "Oh I'm also having spaghetti tonight" before trying to upsell me the sourdough pizza bases that were sitting in a rack behind him. I gotta hand it to the guy, his seizing my shitty parenting abilities and trying to turn them into a sale was impressive. I cheerfully declined the offer. The pizza bases didn't look bad at all though. Maybe next time.

I wanted the last peice of cheesecake but the bastard gentleman in the queue ahead of us had grabbed it up. I refrained from mugging him for it, it would have been unlady-like of me. 'Twas tempting though - that cheesecake looked really good. If you find a good bakery, visit it early in the morning or you'll miss out on all the good stuff.


We were content enough with our donuts and drinks and decided to go sit at the beach parking lot to munch 'em. I finished my coffee before we even got there, it was so good. The tide was in so the beach was non existant, but it was still pretty to look at. It was a kinda cool midday, off the cuff excursion and even though they didn't have custard donuts, the ring donuts we bought were up there with some of the best I've had in my life. I think that bakery might be a keeper, next time I'll get us there earlier and see what else they have. Hopefully custard donuts or copenhagens are on the menu, I think that would seal the deal.

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