Coffee & My Favourite Mug.

While growing up I used to have a favourite spoon and plate that I specifically told my mom to always dish my food using my favourite plate, it tastes different when I am enjoying my meal on my favourite plate and I think that is also applicable to my coffee routine.

Since coffee is like my starter plan to kick start my day and on several occasions, I've tried to savour the earthy beverage in different ways only to find out that taking it a particular way takes me to another level, which is taking it in my favourite mug.


There was this day my cousin came visiting and sighted my beautiful mug, she had no idea it was my favourite mug but she decided to have tea with the mug and when I saw it, I honestly wanted to stop her from using my favourite mug but I decided to use another random mug to enjoy my coffee that day, truth is, it wasn't as enjoyable as it should be when sipping it from my favourite mug, what changed? the other mug felt different in my hands which made me a bit uncomfortable. You know that feeling of sitting in some kind of way or a particular seat and then you stand up to get something, after sitting for a few seconds you realise that wasn't the seat you once sat and then you get a little uncomfortable trying to figure out the way you once sat before leaving to get something, that was the same feeling I got while sipping my coffee from a random mug.


I enjoy taking coffee in my favourite mug and saucer this is because the familiar weight of the mug and saucer makes me feel at home which brings me true happiness and comfort while taking a heavenly sip from that particular mug I find myself meditating for the day.

At this lovely moment with my coffee in my favourite mug, I feel like the world outside fades away, while I whisk away to a world of tranquillity helping me to stay focused for the day.

I love enjoying my coffee alone in my favorite mug of course while playing very soft music in the background creating a perfect ambience for a perfect coffee routine for me.

I have tried to take coffee in different ways, like reading while sipping, sewing while sipping, snacking while sipping my coffee and even hanging out with a few friends while sipping they are all beautiful ways of enjoying coffee but none can be compared to how I feel taking it in my favourite mug while meditating.


Then I realized that most time it's not just about taking the coffee itself but the perfect way of enjoying it to the fullest and it's even about the ritual surrounding it, my favourite mug, and the comfort it brings me which helps me with the right frame of mind throughout the day and the smiles it brings to my heart.

Sipping a coffee without my favourite mug doesn't feel like home at all but doesn't mean I wouldn't take coffee outside my home, just that the feeling is usually different.


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