Fasting Fridays isn't complete without an espresso short black

It's been four years now or probably five that I have made an effort that I will first not eat meat. I got influenced by my mother who has been doing it for years and this has made me follow her footsteps.

When I first started I had thought this was going to be hard, but in fact I have found it easy enough since I could either just eat seafood or go vegetarian for the day. I am not sure if this has affected my health since changes like this takes time to have an effect on your overall health and by the time any benefits have truly manifested it self you are probably so used to the feeling that you will not notice anything anyway.

Then I decided to try intermittent fasting for the last three years. I thought that since I am abstaining something on the day I might as well also try fasting. Not for losing weight since I have been a steady 75 kilos for the last ten years. But to benefit from Autophagy, discovered by a Japanese scientist.

In the morning when I do my fasting I am groggy or at the very least half asleep because I am not eating and feel the need to energize. A good cup of short black espresso is always an answer to my craving.

Yes coffee makes me hungrier. But when I am hungry Autophagy plays better for my body.

It's a win win situation.


A well used percolator.
Ground coffee on the bottom with the water just below it.


A nice sized serving cup for a short black. No milk or sugar since that will negate and stop my fasting. Glucose is an enemy of fasting. You only need to take a little bit of it and you have stopped Autophagy.


That dark heaven rising to the top.


Dark gold. Texas tea. That sweet sweet bitter taste. To give you a zing. To give you wings.


Savoring it right now as I write this post.

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