Nespresso Coffee Pods - Sampling the best of Nespresso

Nespresso Coffee Pods



When you purchase a Nespresso machine directly from the company, or through an official outlet like Amazon, you get a box full of coffee pods with it. They are samples and a showcase of the the variety of coffees sold by Nespresso for their machines. One could, if one wants, get a subscription to their coffees and have them periodically/regularly sent based on that subscription. I can imagine Nespresso made a lot of money this way before the third parties won a lawsuit by challenging their patent for the capsules. That opened up a world of possibilities for Nespresso users, including refillable capsules made of metal.




I have a Nespresso Inessia by Krups, which has now been discontinued by Nespresso. There are very similar models out, but they're not as nice looking as my one. The Nespresso Inissia is a compact and stylish espresso machine designed for home use. It is a popular and affordable model in Nespresso's line of espresso machines. One of its key features is its compact design, which makes it easy to move around and fit into small spaces, which is why it's a very popular model for hotel rooms and home-offices. The Inissia was also available in a variety of colours, but the beige one is the most classy looking in my opinion.



It's easy and straightforward to operate, with simple one-touch operation. It heats up quickly, and you can have your espresso ready in just a few minutes or less if the machine was already warm. It also has a high-pressure pump, which is rare in machines of this size, which delivers up to 19 bars of pressure. This helps to extract the full flavour and aroma from the coffee, resulting in a rich and flavourful cup of espresso or lungo. The Inissia is also designed to be energy-efficient, with an automatic shut-off feature that turns off the machine after 9 minutes of inactivity. This helps to save energy and reduce your electricity bill. Very important these days 😅


Anyway. I'm three capsules into the pack at the moment and the first two I've tried have been very nice indeed. As it happens, all three of them have been roasted from coffee grown in India. I knew India was known for tea, but I had no idea India was a major coffee growing country too. I suppose if you think about where they are on the map, they're are in the perfect range of latitudes for it. Also, historically, there was a lot of trade between Abyssinia and India via the Indian Ocean. Besides, apparently the entire area of the southern Arabian Peninsula, the Horn of Africa and parts of the Indian subcontinent, were part of the same empire at some point! So much so that, apparently, India was once referred to as "Eastern Ethiopia". These two parts of the world have been trading for at least 2,000 years!

As it happens, the next pod is an Ethiopian origin coffee so I'm looking forward to that one.

Peace & Love,


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