La mejor terapia para mí bebé con TDHA: La playa. Video/The best therapy for my baby with ADHD: The














Hola querida comunidad de motherhood🤱, un grato saludos a todos aquellos que día a día llevan a cabo la gran responsabilidad de cuidar a nuestros niños, bien sea desde el hogar o quienes realizan la especial labor de enseñarles en el colegio.
Cómo padres siempre buscaremos las alternativas que ayuden a nuestros bebés en su desarrollo, confieso que aunque a veces es difícil tener un abanico de actividades o las terapias necesarias que por diferentes razones sobre todo económicas se hace cuesta arriba, siempre buscaremos la forma de solucionar y ayudarles en todo lo posible.
En mi caso Julián hace un tiempo fue diagnósticado con TDHA, él es un niño muy inteligente, amoroso, y si bien esto solo es una condición que hay que buscar mejorar, NO es una enfermedad, mi Julián es un niño hermoso, sano y risueño. Pero hay dificultades en su comportamiento que tenemos la responsabilidad de ayudarlo con amor y las terapias necesarias que aún no las he podido implementar porque estamos a la espera para su debida atención.
Dentro de las recomendaciones que nos han dado la psicólogo y pediatra, es que Julián debe tener actividades extras, un deporte, llevarlo a la playa. Mi bebé siempre está en constante movimiento, ansioso, y es muy curioso, quiere muchas veces todo a la vez, poner límites ha Sido un tema complicado, su impulsividad es algo que no está en él, pero que gracias a Dios a tenido mejoría. La playa es sinónimo de "calma" la playa es sinónimo de relajación, le permite explorar y trabajar sus habilidades.
Hace unos días después de días atareados lo lleve a la playa en día de semana y en la mañana, se levanta entusiasta, va descansado y más tranquilo. Él estaba muy emocionado en seguida 😊 buscó su ropa playera, sus juguetes para la arena, lentes de sol y demás.
Entramos al monumento de la virgen le dimos gracias por sus bendiciones y en seguida estábamos en la orilla de la playa solita para nosotros, sacó su juguetes muy emocionado rodaba su retroexcavadora en la arena, cantaba, jugó con sus camiones echándoles arena agua, hizo figuras con sus juguetes de playa, esperaba la ola en la orilla para refrescarse y sentir la emoción y calma que le brindaba el mar. El sol radiante⛱️ las palmeras adornaban nuestra vista, el sonido del mar hacían música para nuestro oídos, el azul profundo penetraba nuestra mirada, y el olor marino terminaba de conectarnos, esto en segundos te cambia todo mi bebé estaba mega feliz pero tranquilo, sentimos paz y alivio. Disfrutó de sus ricas meriendas entre ellas una deliciosa manzana que deleitaba mirando el mar en tranquilidad, yo aproveché de disfrutar nuestro momento juntos me relaje mucho pues tanto para él como para mí es el mejor plan para drenar.
Espero poder regarle lindos momentos siempre y ayudarlo con todas las herramientas, por ahora usar las opciones gratis que solo el necesario el amor, la paciencia y ganas de disfrutar juntos.
Muchas gracias por leer un poco de nosotros 😊 y mi experiencia en este proceso con Julián. Saludos.
Las fotos fueron tomadas con mi celular Xiaomi T11, texto original de @crisvif11, traductor de Google, poster y fotos editadas en Canva.



Hello dear motherhood community🤱, warm greetings to all those who carry out the great responsibility of taking care of our children every day, whether from home or those who carry out the special work of teaching them at school.
As parents we will always look for alternatives that help our babies in their development, I confess that although sometimes it is difficult to have a range of activities or the necessary therapies that for different reasons, especially economic ones, become difficult, we will always look for a way to solve and help them in every way possible.

In my case Julián was diagnosed with ADHD some time ago, he is a very intelligent, loving child, and although this is only a condition that must be improved, it is NOT an illness, my Julián is a beautiful, healthy and smiling child. . But there are difficulties in his behavior that we have the responsibility to help him with love and the necessary therapies that I have not yet been able to implement because we are waiting for his due attention.
In my case Julián was diagnosed with ADHD some time ago, he is a very intelligent, loving child, and although this is only a condition that must be improved, it is NOT an illness, my Julián is a beautiful, healthy and smiling child. . But there are difficulties in his behavior that we have the responsibility to help him with love and the necessary therapies that I have not yet been able to implement because we are waiting for his due attention.
Among the recommendations that the psychologist and pediatrician have given us is that Julián should have extra activities, a sport, take him to the beach. My baby is always in constant movement, anxious, and is very curious, he often wants everything at once, setting limits has been a complicated issue, his impulsivity is something that is not in him, but thank God he has improved. The beach is synonymous with "calm" the beach is synonymous with relaxation, it allows you to explore and work on your skills.
A few days ago, after busy days, I took him to the beach on a weekday and in the morning, he woke up enthusiastic, rested and calmer. He was very excited right away 😊 he looked for his beach clothes, his sand toys, sunglasses and so on.
We entered the monument of the Virgin, we thanked her for her blessings and immediately we were on the shore of the beach alone for us, he took out his toys, very excited, he rolled his backhoe in the sand, he sang, he played with his trucks, pouring sand and water into them, he made figures With his beach toys, he waited for the wave on the shore to cool off and feel the excitement and calm that the sea offered him. The radiant sun⛱️ the palm trees adorned our view, the sound of the sea made music to our ears, the deep blue penetrated our gaze, and the smell of the sea finished connecting us, this in seconds changes everything, my baby was mega happy but calm, we felt peace and relief. He enjoyed his delicious snacks, including a delicious apple that he delighted in looking at the sea in tranquility. I took advantage of enjoying our moment together and relaxed a lot because for both him and me it is the best plan to drain.
I hope to always give you beautiful moments and help you with all the tools, for now use the free options that only require love, patience and the desire to enjoy together.
Thank you very much for reading a little about us 😊 and my experience in this process with Julián. Greetings.
The photos were taken with my Xiaomi T11 cell phone, original text by @crisvif11, Google translator, poster and photos edited in Canva.


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