Merry Christmas 2021

I couldn’t help myself but do a (slightly angry looking 😂) nod to Noddy Holder..


I’m taking stock of all the good things going on in my life right now, and Hive ranks up there very high on the scale! It’s the only social platform I actually enjoy being on.
(Actually Twitter does have some very funny stuff, occasionally Instagram too)

Our family Christmas is a fairly low-key thing.

The kids have had fun, if slightly over doing it on the sweets and energy.
A nice normal dinner, some fun daft gifts and some nice ones.

We try to in-still in the kids that’s it isn’t all about presents. This time of year is all about people.
Everyone has (some) holiday off work and we get to relax and enjoy the company with everyone together.
Everyone is available to be with or share however you want. The presents are an excuse to meet and a feel good factor. Not the main event. People are.

That’s what makes Hive perfect too.
It’s the people.
The people and the community make Hive what it is all year round. 👊🏻

So with that in mine, thank you for supporting my Hive journey and Merry Christmas from me and my family.

Be excellent to each other ❤️

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