For every Moment you Lived in Full...



In just a flick of time, everything could change in one glance not knowing what you do is too fragile to change the rest
No future can worry about the consequences by themselves as it will just happen with the cause of present
You cannot fully regret the past as it is never instant, your life is what holds you back knowing your past experiences
It’s life a future dream that holds you back to your next actions in the present moment, that scares you the most to believe…

Let not your worries dwell with your tomorrow for here you can cast your own spell for the future magic to happen
Each thought you make, each move you do shapes the future you regardless of how’s the distant future shore
That shore you never seen before, still we chase and we chase how far it gets us even if it lasted a lifetime chasing this one thing alone
If the ways we focus is what’s unknown, the moment comes to future’s mist of the shadows from the past…

While we live in the present- this what truly matter most of the moment, we need to burn a lot of efforts in order to make the future matter
But no one can know what the future holds until you make good with your present as you let tomorrow be a price
So let your present follow the light that will help you guide you through the flame we give today
In every choice you make, in every bit of heartbeat a path is laid for you to follow to know the right direction…

You only what’s right and what’s wrong for you, each moment is a chance that will shape your heart and your mind
Choose kindness, choose strength and choose compassion no matter what the future brings
When your here at the present, when there’s no room for doubt and regrets, freedom is what brings your happiness
Unchained from the past and future calls your life’s present rhythm and every action only begins with you…

Future’s vague design
Let the future wait its turn
Being free is the best version of yourself
the future seem distant and cold


Here is Tikatarot, who dares you to answer the question, “Who am I?”..

As and will always be reminding you to dream:

“As you are still the Master of your destiny and the maker of your dreams…”

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