Snow Geese On The Snake River ~ Volume Up on OnThis One!!

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One of the Big Farming Companies that we provide electric service to on the Snake River was ready to energize their rebuilt river pumping station. These 4 brand new pumps produce around 4,500 horse power. I couldn’t see the horse power rating on the pump but another Lineman told me it was around 4,500. They did a great job cleaning things up and this pump station looks really nice compared to the old one. Complete with a new control house even… NICE!!

As I drove down the hill toward the river pumping station I noticed a massive flock of snow geese floating on the river. Looked like a dang Iceburg out there. Getting down closer to the river, those bajillion snow geese were making quite a racket.

As we waited for the electricians to do their final checks before energized I had to have a little look around. Then all of the sudden the sound from the snow geese increased 100 times more loud. Echoing across the water. I had to catch some video of this!! What an amazing site!! I can’t believe that non of these snow geese smash into each other. I mean there has got to be at least a few drunk uncles wondering around the flock?? right??

it was insane how loud it was when they all lifted off. You know the sound when you take a hand full of small rocks and throw them in the water? Imagine that if you will but 1,000 times louder. Thats what it sounded like as they all began to splash land in the water. What an amazing site too see and hear.

It wasn’t but 10 minutes later and they all lifted off again. Me being me, I had to run over and watch it again. I just can’t help myself. lol. My Dad and Brothers are big waterfowl hunters. I sent this to them and my one brother replies… “Shoot’em!!!” LOL. If you were able to shoot them and were close enough it would be hard to get less than 5 in one shot. LOL.

After all the snow geese commotion, I checked out the older side of the river pumping station. They rebuilt this a few years back and I think those main pipes are 40 inch diameter pipes. Then the pipes from both sides of the pump station come together into a big 60 or 70 inch pipe that takes the water up ther hill a couple miles to a booster station. That booster station has another 7,200 horse power that pushes the water to all the fields. It’s amazing how much stuff the farmers grow on this land. Sandy, sagebrush covered land can produce an amazing amount of crops if you got the horse power to get the water there.

I hope you enjoyed the view of the Snake river and watching the Snow Geese do their thing. I know I did. What a cool site to see and experience.

Food Grows Where Water Flows



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