Working from home and blending family harmonious times.

Hello everyone,
Welcome to my blog, my name is Valblesza
how are you doing.


Day 28! Dear digital nomads, how do you do it? Which devices help you with your job? How did you find that job that allows you to travel?

People that work from home, How do you make it work? Does your family understand that you are working?

It is not a magic, with all the right devices it just an easy-going one, even when I teach my students from, home, as a per time lectures.

Occasionally, we had online classes throughout the semester, and it is really fun for all, when you have the right Airspace to do that and when your business Audience are ready to understand the rules of that business.

Working from home is very fascinating, more especially now that the society of Media and digitalization is the hub of today's society.


Its pretty is not easy though, within the space, it takes a very decisive action to back it up. Working from requires one taken a very time gab between pleasure and family time.

I basically do my Job as a content developer, with a Laptop, camera and music devices, to help me achieve my job. Even though, I do both Articles content, videos content and other cryptocurrency content.

My Laptop is a major device that aids me, because of its numerous App features, in it that allow for easy content creation, and editing processes.

One of the homes working for me now, is Hive, which is garnering with numerous features and community according to the choices of content.

Hive, has allowed me to travel round the world, with, of course, creative contents in this space alone is just more than a job itself.

I was introduced to this job by a friend, whom, gave me a nice tutorial about how the cryptocurrency and decentralized marketing here works.

It is more than a job here, but a fun in its fullest, I basically reached out to more than my physical working audience.

Working from home with more than ten thousand audiences, getting to know, see, here about my concept, read it, with immediate feedback, for a better improvement is quite interesting of digital working I'm doing here.


And selling of other numeration on the platforms,
Sometimes, when I sit tight on my Laptop and musical devices, trying to get a good though of what content and how to make it intrigued and intriguing for the marketing audience here, my kids really hang around me.

Even though I really managed so hard to create a space, and time to have fun with them, which most of my time I spend it in my creative studio and library.

I try to let them know the difference between my fun time with the family and when I am strictly making a leaving out of this even though it is from home.

The kids, even my wife now have a more profound understanding of the difference that our plays, my working time is duly given much room.

I know that is not easy, me working from home, is very not as easy as it is, like in the morning, you're at home.

And the woman leaf and comes back, in most cases to see you, like you're the one in most cases to welcome her, pretty seems the reverse is the case.

But, that some pride you know, she really doesn't care; hence it brings legitimately to the table.

So is more than a Job, we respect that fact and everyone is okay with that.

My and other extended family such have been put in place to understand my nature of job as a content developer and a Journalist.

Most of my live broadcasting some few of it is done from home, with some of the App in my working devices.

So my family, understands that the issue is not about leaving home daily but who brings more than a numeration that can take care of the family and the immediate family and other societal responsibilities.

Not just that my family knows that I am a consultant, in academic activity, from various parties of the world.

Which I can't pay a visit to all my business partners within those remotes areas, that the only way to achieve earns mate from that avenue is working from home.

As a Networking within nomad communities and freelance platforms, is where I find my core opportunities, and they understand I am trying to utilize the skill and today's advancement in Social Media to improve the family living.

I make it vital to ensure that my family and extended ones understand that being at home, or physically, present in at home in most case, does not measure to the fact that I am an idol.

I am not creating room to feel I am available for non-working activities.
After all, success in both working from home and leaving an office is basically a lifestyle that peg on creating an earns mate, and all personal way that one can foster a survival and productivity.

Though I try as much to balance it up because you most consider blending work and that harmonious time and personal life.

Thank you for reading this article to the end.

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