Disconnected by choice and poor governance

My offline experience

Hello friends of digital lifestyle, it's a pleasure to greet you again, nowadays living offline is very difficult because the internet is already a very important part of modern society. When we wake up I think the first thing we do is to look at our mobile and check WhatsApp or any social network in which we make life, for me, it's WhatsApp and hive, after that is that I brush my teeth, at that level is in my life online connections.


Now, answering the question that brought us today's promt of the week, which is the following:

Have you ever been in a situation where you had to go without your phone, laptop, or even TV for a long time? Maybe it was a power outage, a personal choice, or just bad luck. Share what it felt like and what you did to pass time. If you've never experienced it, imagine what it would be like and how you would cope.

I can say that I lived both experiences, the first one was some years ago when I found out from a printed magazine that an hour away from where I lived they were holding free experiential retreats, at first I was scared, but I kept digging, and I got on the website, that's when I found out that it was a worldwide non-profit organization and among the rules to be able to participate was to commit to be disconnected from the family for 12 days, that implies no phone calls or anything.

As I was going through a difficult existential period I decided to sign up and for that I had to go through a selection process and if I was approved I had to wait about 3 months to attend the retreat. About a thousand people applied and for that season only 100 people attended. When we arrived they took away our mobile phones, and they were kept in a safe place, they gave them to us at the end of the whole activity after 12 days.

Being without my mobile phone was strange, at first I didn't want to, but I knew I had to get rid of it for a few days. The most difficult thing was not knowing about my family during those days and when I left I felt very lost, totally disoriented in space and time, I remember seeing the streets of the city in a strange way, I felt many new things and it had only been 13 days.

The second experience was due to bad public management as mentioned in the title of the post, it was also a few years ago when my country experienced the worst blackout of all time, 4 days without electricity due to lack of maintenance to the generators although the government's excuse was to say that it was the result of an attack by the opposition. We all know that the cause is due to bad public management but what could we do, just resist and relax.

Those days, at first I was filled with tension because I didn't know what was happening, but then I decided to get my body moving so as not to overthink, and I started to do a thorough cleaning and organization of the house, separating old, damaged and unused things, and at the end of each day I felt happy and much more cheerful. The hardest part of those days was rationing water as without electricity we have no water anywhere.


Living a few days without being informed of the outside world was beneficial for me and had a positive impact on my health, although they were events that happened years ago I still remember how I felt and the impact they had on my life, I felt so good that I repeated the retreat a second time, and I am looking forward to doing it again soon.

I know that we cannot live disconnected from today's world which is full of technology and brings us benefits in many ways, for example for me, it is necessary as hive is my only source of income and if a day goes by without receiving rewards it is a wasted day, but it is also beneficial for our physical, emotional and mental health, so finding a balance is the best thing we can do. Thank you very much for reaching the end of this post, we'll meet in the comments, tell me if you have lived a similar experience? Or if you like to answer, you can also participate in this initiative, which invited to participate to @mamaemigrante

This is my response to Digital Lifestyle Weekly Prompt | Digi-Prompts 011



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