Technology Love

Like for plenty young ones, most of our adult dreams and pursuits stem from our time in front of the television, watching our imaginations come to life.

As a kid, I've wanted to be so many things; a scientist, a deep water marine biologist, a dinosaur hunter and then old ruins discoverer, now I'm studying mechanical engineering..

Adulthood really kills your dreams😭😂😂

Well, in reality, I've always been enamored by machines and robots. It's not as aesthetically pleasing as deep sea marine biologist nor as exciting as dinosaur hunter but it'll have to do.

My first thoughts on robots was when I was opportuned to see the show Generator Rex

dropping as so many wouldn't know or would have forgotten this😂

After that, I fell in love with almost all and all robotic movies, from Mech X4 to the Autobots.

Movies and cartoons like such were my first introduction to technology and when the feelings of love I had developed.
Yet when I finally professed my love was with the games I played on the android phones.

Portable long lasting never boring fun. I was a very rambunctious child but in front of an android phone, I was occupied for a pretty good chunk of the day.

This habit sadly has stayed with my till even now as my screen time without school varies from 12-16hrs per day.
If I'm not playing games or reading, I'm watching movies.

Those three mediums of entertainment all in one device really made me fall in love.
I can't go anywhere without it.
Granted now, I use numerous technological devices for their ability in making life easier, but till now, my one true childhood love is the smartphone.

This was written in response to the #septemberinleo monthly prompt for day 3 given by @leogrowth.

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