Digital Pleasures...

I love how this prompt says "confess" instead of "share with us." Because mine is actually a confession with a guilty conscience. When daily practices are turned into a habit, certain things start to suffer. If it is a bad habit, then you are doomed; talk more about addiction.

Before now, I was addicted to books. I loved books, papers, and magazines. There was a time I even began writing comics and stories. At some point, my mom complained about why I didn't choose art class instead of science because, according to her, my passion is very different from my ambitions. She was right to some extent because books were consuming me. Most nights, I wouldn't sleep; I would be immersed in a novel, shedding tears over it. It was concerning because I couldn't socialise well; I always wanted visitors to leave early so I could return to my room.

That addiction stopped when I got into the university. I started managing money and spending on more important things; I couldn't buy the kind of books I loved to read. I switched to reading e-books, but eventually I gave up. Now, I only read a few pages once or twice a week.

So what's your latest addiction?
I wouldn't like to categorize these as good or bad because it depends on time. There are times it eases stress, boredom, and overthinking. And there are times it prevents me from achieving my daily goals.
If I choose a good series, I can stay a week indoors; my life at these hours would revolve around a few hours of chores, eating, and sleeping. Sometimes I refuse to pick up calls unless it's important because, since I'm using my phone, it would be a distraction.

YouTube is my next favorite place. Those short videos of "how-to", DIY, self-improvement, ladies talk, shows, and comedies make YouTube a very interesting place for me. Just like how people would spend hours scrolling TikTok and Facebook, I spend hours on YouTube.

It doesn't matter which digital activity one derives pleasure from. At the end of the day, it all depends on how organised we are. I always try to only go to it in my free time because, although these two apps have been very helpful to me, they consume time and a lot of data.

These are the two apps I open every day aside from Hive DApps. And they are data draining. I don't complain anyway; I only beat myself up when I let it interfere with important things I'm supposed to do. I love to live a free life on holidays, and that is what I'm doing: Netflix and chill.

Post is in response to a weekly prompt from the digital lifestyle community: Confess your favourite digital guilty pleasures, whether it's binge-watching shows, endlessly scrolling through social media, obsessing over online shopping, or getting lost in video games.

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