When Life Forces You to Unplug: A Journey Without Devices

It's hard to experience life without our devices in this digital age. I have tasted and seen that it's not so comfortable to navigate through considering our day-to-day activities with these devices.

Technology has made life easier for us; we have gotten used to this digital lifestyle that suddenly unplugging from it caused biasness in my life 😃. Imagine unplugging from the entertainment these devices offer; imagine the online business transactions that will be withheld for those moments. What about communication? Oh, let's stop here because the use case of these devices is just too good to suddenly unplug from it; unfortunately, I did, and I will share with you how my experience was those days.


Some people intentionally unplug from their devices for personal reasons; that must go with self-discipline because personally, it's hard for me to do; maybe I will have reason to do that in the future anyway. Here in my country, power outage issues can humble one and force you to unplug, but I have so far taken care of that aspect to ensure that I stay connected. I did this by always buying a gasoline standby for my generator and also bought a power bank. At least to a large extent, these alternatives can keep me connected, but then there was a time I experienced a total unplug from my device, coupled with TV, and it was just an uncomfortable situation.

That was last year, sometimes in February during my country's presidential election. Schools were already on holiday for the elections, and so my kids were very much around the whole house parading every nuk and cranies . I was doing laundry, and when I stepped out, my son wrapped my phone inside one of my dirty linens, which I haven't washed. I came back unknowingly, packed the dirty linen inside a soapy water filled with detergent, and left it unwashed for another 30 minutes. You can imagine soaking an Android phone with detergent, right? For many minutes. By the time I was ready to continue the laundry, I found my phone inside the soapy water. I was totally devastated. All efforts by a phone repairer to fix this phone proved abortive, and suddenly, we went on two days of curfew due to the election. My TV developed fault at that period too; nothing to rescue my life. Imagine staying indoors without a phone, no TV, no communication, nothing.

I was totally disconnected and I felt like I was in another world.
Not even any device to catch up with the happenings about the ongoing election. Not even my phone to blog on Hive and connect with my friends. It was an unusual feeling that I can't really explain, but it was not too good. I was never a fan of reading novels, but I was forced to read one within the few days I was totally unplugged.


Digital lifestyle is a fun life I didn't plan to cut off from those days; unfortunately, I didn't have any other options but to wait until I was able to buy a new device. I did cope anyway by soaking myself in reading novels just to pass time, and then eventually discovered that novels aren't as boring to read as I thought.

Looking for prompt ideas, kindly check the digital lifestyle community.

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