Finding Answers in the Digital Age

Google has proven to be an essential tool for us individuals. Be it for business knowledge, health knowledge, recipes, skills, and whatever you can think of, just make Google your friend and get answers to your questions. This is how much we are blessed with technology in this era. It's simply amazing that one can explore Google and take advantage of knowledge over there in so many ways.


I have been embarrassed several times by the grammar my second son speaks to me, and how I quickly search the meaning on Google before replying to him is just so funny, but then, Google to my rescue šŸ˜ƒ. I hope you are not going to ask me what the grammars are because I am shy to disclose them.. lolz

There are a lot of things I do run to Google for a quick search, both the silly ones and the relevant information. Sometimes there are some things I search on Google, and the answers will get more scary. This happens to me mostly on sensitive health matters, and so I prefer to visit the hospital for such instead of getting tensed via Google search, but then at the end of the day, the Google is not totally wrong, but for such sensitive health issues, I need a human being, a doctor, to just tell me that all will be fine, this is me trying to protect myself from some psychological effects, lol.

The Last thing I Searched on Google and Why...


My first child started having seizures when he was almost 5 years old. Now he is 9 years old, and since the age she developed this health challenge, he has had repeated seizures till last year. Thankfully, he has been so stable all through this year. Now, this health challenge is the thing of the brain, and each seizure episode takes something away from his brain, according to the neurologist, which is another reason why we have been making every effort to see that the whole health issue stops permanently.

Prior to the time he started having this health challenge, he used to be a very brilliant child, so intelligent and boldly competes with his mates in school and always stands out! Even in his low class then, I could see his potential and how he smartly thought of problems at his stage and solved them. His teachers are always impressed with his academic abilities, but then everything changed since this health challenge surfaced, and my intelligent child suddenly started becoming cold to his studies and could forget things easily šŸ’¬šŸ¤”.

To be sincere, whenever I think of how he started and how things are taking shape now, I weep. You wouldn't blame me; every mother wants the best for her child. My child's doctor already told me that I shouldn't expect much from him but should be grateful to God for his life. This wasn't what I wanted for him, but in my capacity, I still make an effort to see that he overcomes his current challenge academically and otherwise. He still perform above average, but I want him to return to A student, just the way it was for him before the health issues.

A new school session began this week, and I have been fully involved in his academics, doing what I can naturally to boost his retentive memory. This was what led me to my last Google search. šŸ”šŸ”Ž

Untitled design_20240913_095349_0000.png child's reasoning capacity dropped, and of course I know where it came from, just like I explained above. Fortunately, the answers I got from Google, I do practice most of them with him, but I have added a few new knowledge to try on him; hopefully, he will keep improving.

His teacher once told me that whatever I am doing for this boy to keep improving, I should keep it up. She added that my child is doing far better than some students in his class without any brain issues. Her words were quite encouraging, however, from my recent search, I have seen more ideas to try out on him.

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Images 1 & 3 were taken from canva while image 2 was a screenshot from Google.

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