A skill I wish I fully mastered

If there’s one digital skill I wish I had fully mastered, it would definitely be coding.

To be honest, I once learned Web programming and i have a very good knowledge of HTML (Hypetertext MarkUp Language) and CSS (Cascading Styles Sheet). In fact, I tried duplicating some websites using them and did pretty well.

A duplicte business webiste i did myself with HTML and CSS

It wasn’t something I pursued on my own initially; a brother of mine introduced me to coding, and I was eager to learn. He subscribed to Udemy, where I took courses, and that motivated me to practice and dig deeper into coding. We also learned through YouTube, which helped me gain even more knowledge. At one point, we even created a WhatsApp group where he would share coding tutorials to help us learn the basics.

I still remember tags like <a> for anchor, <h> for headers, <p> for paragraphs, and of course, <div>. The <div> tag is used to structure content within a box.

In this case, the class is used to identify the

in CSS. But before you can style it, you need to link your CSS file in the HTML document. I used Visual Studio Code as my editor, and once the CSS file was linked, I could style the elements. For instance, I could my class my
the with name dividend and inside my styles.css i write it just like this .dividend and I can give it a width, height, and even give anything inside the div a different or the same colour


<div class="dividend"> 

Juwon is written in h4 while Abena is written in h3 and so Abena will be bolder than Juwon, in my Css this is how I will change both colours


.dividend h4 {
    color: Yellow;

.dividend h3 {
    color: Blue;

It’s been a while since I learned all of this. Infact, I got to a certain level before returning back to school, when I started learning JavaScript. Unlike HTML and CSS, JavaScript was actually much harder for me. Even learning how to use functions became hard and I struggled to find a balance between learning it and focusing on my studies. As we all know coding requires someone undivided attention and full focus.

The motivation I had earlier began to fade, and I guess laziness got the best of me. I tend to avoid things that seem difficult, which is probably why I stopped. I enjoyed learning to code, but I let procrastination take control, and that eventually led me to quit.

The worst part was when my laptop broke. Without it, I couldn’t watch tutorials or practice anymore. I had a goal when I started coding—to make money for myself. But maybe that was the problem: I was too focused on the end goal (making money) and not on truly embracing the process of learning and making it a part of me.

Once I get a new laptop, I’m determined to get back on track and refresh my memory. My goal is to create something meaningful, like building my own website. I’d love to have a site where people can come to learn—maybe an educational platform—a site where users can download pictures or movies or a site where I can just be advertising my farm business and agricultural products.

All images are mine.

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