

Having a mobile phone as a kid was like a treasure for every young boy, Including myself of course, while i had regular toys, mobile phones games were the best games to play, when I came across an adult who'd lend me their phone to play games with it .

I've always had a thing for technology and still do, from the big screens to the small ones, from mobile games to cartoons and back to games as a kid, always had energy for those.

What sparked my love for technology. As earlier said games and cartoons as a kid, in my teens the thought I could communicate with people from different part of the world was fascinating I wanted exploring the world and technology made it possible for me. And now technology gets to be part of my daily life even though I'm my side of the world technological advancement is slow, technology still plays and important roll in day to day activities. And now it even gets better because the world get to evolve around technology, and as the world evloles curiosity comes in play to try out new device, new apps.

Speaking of curiosity


Few days back I randomly visited the world lol and since I haven't traveled before I decided to check places out in my own country
It was indeed a fun tour while I was in my room I saw the world through my mobile phone .
Thanks to technology of course.

This is my entry to #Septemberinleoday3

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