Being a student is actually fun once you start getting the hang of it and most especially when you have the right people around you always ready to support you whenever you need help, both directly and indirectly. I remember when I gained admission at first, I had series of days when I’d just seek for a quiet place to cry all by myself when things were getting overwhelmingly difficult and it continued that way until I started opening up to some people that reached out and some I reached out to.

At that moment, I’d kept doubting if I would be able to go through the schooling system and do well as I’m expected to. I doubted myself a lot because I found it so hard to study which should be a student’s primary duty and that was mostly because I was stressed mentally from the process of getting myself through all the process of completing my application as a student. Luckily for me, we had an unforeseen break and that break gave me another opportunity to try to set things right. I went back home and started giving at least an hour daily to studying.

It was hard on some days but I think I only missed a day out of 3 weeks that I had. It was helpful because I got the opportunity to understand most of the basic things of what I was studying. So when school resumed, everyone knew it was going to resume with some weeks to examination and on my departmental WhatsApp group, I got a notification that a message was dropped and I quickly went to check what it was and I found this link to a quiz on my various courses and even more. It was quite intriguing and I clicked on it to see how the quiz was like and lo and behold it was something I could work with to an extent. The site is called IUOstudy.

So what I did was, after studying any course, I’d go to the quiz section for that course on the site and try answering to see how well I’ve understood what I have read. Some times I’d do really poorly but I was mostly above average which to me was a good thing. So fast forward to today, my exams have fully commenced, so my most searched thing on google is [Iuostudy(https://iuostudy.com/cbt/)! In fact, now I already added it to my Home Screen individually, so if I want quiz on Physiology courses, I know where to find it on my Home Screen and same goes for other courses as well.

Whoever developed this site must have done it for me even though they don’t know it because it has been really helpful. I don’t see all the questions in my exams but I see related ones and thanks to the knowledge of these quizzes I had, guessing the answers for some became more likely. The site is a very interesting and easy sight to use. The fonts are just perfect, the images and colors are just right on every page. So if you are in the basic medical field, you should check out this site and get familiar with some questions.

For most anatomy questions, the questions were gotten from Kent Moore and that is one of the prominent books in anatomy that is mostly recommended by most people especially medical students. Also for physiology courses, they make use of different materials depending on the type of physiology course. For the physiology of blood and body fluids, they made use of essentials of medical physiology and so on.

So Iuostudy is my last searched site on google and that is mostly so because I’m having exams almost everyday now, hehe. This is my response to the Digi-prompt for this week! I’m so glad I could make an entry, I personally love this prompt suggestion, hehe. Big thanks to @abenad my favorite teacher and motivator for giving me a mention and even a reminder 🥰.

The images used are screenshots from the site

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