What If I Had Learned Animation?

We live in a digital age, and it's amazing how a lot of people across the world are tapping into the opportunity digitalization has brought to us. One of the opportunities is the variety of skills we can learn in that field and despite how much they could have helped us, many of us couldn't acquire that digital skill we really eanted for different reasons.

Growing up, I enjoyed watching animations a lot but didn't pick any interest in them. I just watch and find it amazing how those objects move, speak, and so many other things in movies. As I grew older, there was this urge to know how this animation of a thing works, so I did some simple research about it.

I discovered that animation wasn't an easy thing to put together, and somehow I picked interest in it, but there was no means for me to get involved beyond just watching from the TV screen. I lost interest after some time, and that desire to learn animation just vanished. I didn't stop watching, and it obviously would just be one of those big dreams I didn't have the privilege to accomplish.

Years passed and I started seeing upgrades in animation movies; the graphics improved a lot, and there were some movies in which I even preferred the animation version to humans acting. The desire to learn again grew gradually, but there was still no means for me because of the huge fee professionals in the field were demanding.

Fast forward to when I started blogging; storywriting became something I enjoyed a lot. Although my stories weren't that good and not many people were ready to read, I had an idea in my head.

What if I made my stories into animation? I thought about this as a means of drawing more people to my stories since a lot of people prefer watching to reading. Honestly, it would have been a great idea, but I lacked the skill.

It's really annoying knowing that there is something you can do to help yourself, but somehow you don't have what it takes to make that happen. Paying someone to do the job wasn't an option, so I didn't even think about it for a minute.

Today, my story-writing ability has improved a bit, but I couldn't get myself to learn animation, and if I could travel back in time just for sometime, I would learn animation by all means because it's more expensive now than what it was back then. I have laid my hands on some videos, but it's not just enough for me to kickstart my journey as an animation creator.

Seeing how animation has grown to be very lucrative globally, I wish I learned it back then. This skill wouldn't end with just converting my stories into animation; I can make music videos, movies, illustration videos for students, and many other things that can fetch me so much money.

It's been a while since I thought about learning animation, and probably this is a wake-up call for me to check again. Who knows, there might be an opportunity waiting for me in that field.

I know there are many of us who wish we had learned one thing or another a long time ago but we couldn't. In this digital age we live in, I don't believe it's too late to learn any digital skill because there will always be somewhere we can fit into in the digital world. If you have the opportunity to still acquire that skill, please don't hesitate to do so.

Thanks to the moderators of the community for coming up with such an amazing prompt topic.

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